The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

The yellow peril.


By Toto

The yellow peril.

Nice little ladybird.

Comments on this photo


Lots of spots.. :o)

11 Apr, 2009


It looks like a child's painted toy - did it have wheels underneath, Toto?

11 Apr, 2009


How did you know Gee?
Definitely lots of spots TT.

11 Apr, 2009


Great pic Toto

11 Apr, 2009


Can I presume he is a goodey like the usual ladybirds?

11 Apr, 2009


I think he is Dawn...I think the nasty 1 is black with red spots isnt it? Nice photo Toto.............

11 Apr, 2009


Dont know Maureen, no doubt the Boys will enlighten us, lol.

12 Apr, 2009


The nasty one is the Harlequin which, as usual is an invader from the continent.
Thank you all.

12 Apr, 2009


He doesnt look real, thought it was a garden orname nt, but a great shot!

13 Apr, 2009


~apparently non predatory they eat nasty fungi and mildew~must admit that I would have thought thiis was one of the bad guys but it is defensive colouring to make you think it is nasty!

13 Apr, 2009


Thanks Pansy and Arlene.
This is actually the Twenty Two Spot Ladybird - Psyllobora 22-punctata. As Arlene says, it feeds on mildews and is abundant in grassy areas.

13 Apr, 2009


Looks nasty but apparently not :o)

14 Apr, 2009


I never saw this before!!
toto, you are certainly educating me.

14 Apr, 2009


Newfie. Do yourself a big favour. Never believe anything I say. I am a complete idiot and proud of it.
Not harmful Hywel.

14 Apr, 2009



15 Apr, 2009


Guess we have lots in common,

15 Apr, 2009


Yes Newfie. Life's too short to be taken seriously.

15 Apr, 2009


LOL.... better and better... Toto you're a gem! oh yeah, and the bug is special too! lol...

27 Apr, 2009


Thanks Lori. A gem? I've been called lots of things but never a gem.

28 Apr, 2009

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