Chamaecyparis lawsonia
By Chrispook

5 Mar, 2008
I think this is a chamaecyparis with a columnar habit, but which one?
Comments on this photo
Bluespruce would be the chap to ask Chris and Jacque.
6 Mar, 2008
Chamaecyparis lawsoniana, cultivar could be 'Blue Surprise', 'Columnaris'
'Pelt's Blue', or even several Hungarian or Polish selections that will never be seen again.
6 Mar, 2008
Pictures by Chrispook
239 of 1804
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This photo is of species Chameocyparis lawsonia.
This photo is of "Chamaecyparis lawsonia" in Chrispook's garden
Hi Chris id like a Columnar Habit Conifer which will only reach the height of 10ft when fully grown.Does any Conifer of this shape only grow2that height?
5 Mar, 2008