Male Red Pole
By Greenthumb
- 13 Apr, 2009
The color on the males chests is really getting bright. Look at that seed. Practically ate everything. :-) I'm trying to catch mohawk, one that always has his topknot in the air.
Comments on this photo
what a fantastic feeder GT!
13 Apr, 2009
Tucking in there! and yes I like your feeder too!
13 Apr, 2009
Thank you. Only accomodates the little birds, but that is most of the visitors anyway. I changed to smaller seed and they are going nuts over it. I fill it up and they are practically landing on me to get into more.
15 Apr, 2009
They eat me out of house & home in the spring, little monsters,lol! But it is worth it to have them nest nearby & see the spring babies...
19 Apr, 2009
If my trees were that They nest way up in the birch. Probably due to the cat on the porch. :) I love pouring out the seed, I feel more like they need me. :-)
19 Apr, 2009
and they do need you :o)
19 Apr, 2009
It is wonderful having them. :-) To think I started to have a fascination for Bianca in her hours inside at home. A year round stimulation. Now I enjoy as much watching.
20 Apr, 2009
Love that! Bird watcher for the cat. :)
21 Apr, 2009
22 Apr, 2009
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He certainly is enjoying himself!!
13 Apr, 2009