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Verbascum 'Jackie'

Verbascum 'Jackie' (Verbascum 'Jackie')

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Its Lovely Spritz :) Looks Little like a Holly Hock :)

14 Apr, 2009


Glad you like 'your' flower, Jac!

14 Apr, 2009



14 Apr, 2009


This is a beautiful subtle colour Spritz the little droplets of rain...

14 Apr, 2009


Errrrrr. Looks like rain, BB - but it was actually from my watering can! I'd just planted them! LOL.

Glad you like these - next to them the other way are Papaver 'Patty's Plum' - I'm waiting for them to flower as they are part of the 'picture'.

14 Apr, 2009 have had no rain ! Lol. Looking forward to the " picture " : )

14 Apr, 2009


I just hope my 'vision' of the colours comes out as it is in my head, BB!

14 Apr, 2009


Sure it will have the "knack"...

14 Apr, 2009


Yes Spritz just like BB z u really do have a Knack with Border Colours im sure u wont be disapointed :)

14 Apr, 2009


If it all goes wrong you'll hear the scream from Norfolk and probably in Yorkshire as well!

14 Apr, 2009


lol sounds like we mite need some ear defenders BB :) lol

14 Apr, 2009


LOL..if it isnt the owls screeching in the trees in the churchyard next door,we will know it is you dear Spritz !

14 Apr, 2009


Should do the trick with Patty she's the girl!!

14 Apr, 2009


I haven't grown her before - but I think her colour will fit in??? I hope????

14 Apr, 2009


Love this verbascum I think it will go atreat with Patty's Plum I have this in my border and it is very similar in colouring perhaps a touch darker!

15 Apr, 2009


Thanks Pp - that's reassuring! Maybe Jacque and BB may not need their earplugs after all!

15 Apr, 2009


I will have to buy one now especially as its name is the same as mine.

17 Apr, 2009


You'll like it, Jackie! :-)

17 Apr, 2009


Great photo Spritz,
Not rain Eh, it certainly does a good imitation.

20 Apr, 2009


You actually need to imitate rain? lol i have a very simular coloured one of these i think mine is more coppery though can't remeber off the top of the head i'll have a look in a mo and come back to ya. this is a beauty by the way.

20 Apr, 2009


Thanks - Yes, I know we have been a lot drier than Essex, but actually, the garden needs rain now - I was out watering last evening!

20 Apr, 2009


V. 'Cotswold Beauty' i just had a look again it is very simular, maybe a bit darker in colour. I don't mind the rain this time of year anyway, it does help everything get going, we have had rain quite a lot last week but it has been nice and sunny the last few days, it's nice if you can get a bit of both.

20 Apr, 2009


I THINK that I have that in the top border - it has a bud on it, so not long to wait. The name sounds familiar. Is yours out?

If it rained in the night and was sunny in the daytime, that would be ideal!!! lol.

20 Apr, 2009


lol yes it would, and no - not even the hint of a bud on my Verbascum as yet, barely above the ground just a few little leaves at the moment, - the spot it is in is full shade until mid April, then it's in full sun from about noon every day - ever since next door put huge extension on that is! it did'nt seem to mind last year it soon caught up. i have pic's of it from last year on my pages if you want to have a nose, it is very simular to this one, might even look nice together?

20 Apr, 2009


No more space, full up! I'm hoping that the Nigella seeds I sprinkled will germinate, but otherwise, this bed is done. I reckon your photo is very like the one in the top border, I'll have to wait and see. :-)

20 Apr, 2009


Looking good - Spritz. Another one we will look out for for our main bed.

21 Apr, 2009

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This photo is of species Verbascum 'Jackie'.

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This photo is of "Verbascum 'Jackie'" in Spritzhenry's garden

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