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Semiaquilegia (Semiaquilegia)

The leaves are similar to the Aquilegia, but the plant is smaller and the flowers are simpler and single - no frills!

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Sounds very nice. Looks lovely. :-)

23 Apr, 2009


I'd never heard of this until I saw it!

23 Apr, 2009


I like the habit. I have a little one that has a rose shape bloom that I really enjoy. Small and sweet. :-)

23 Apr, 2009


This is great I have never seen this one before.

24 Apr, 2009


another one for my 'would like' list

26 Apr, 2009


I think I'd like some more - I hope it seeds itself!

26 Apr, 2009


yes it is lovely i have Aquilegia all over the place in my garden, and it is very simular to them but they can be thugish if left to own devices, this would be an ideal alternative....yep added to that ever increasing list :-)

28 Apr, 2009


I spotted this plant at a GC today Barbara - no I'd never heard of it either! I nice dainty delicate little thing....I wonder if it cross polinates with Aquilegia?

1 May, 2009


Was it the same colour, Sarah?

Yes, I shall wait and see, as I have LOTS of Aquilegia! I hope it doesn't, though, if it means losing the plant.

1 May, 2009


Yes, I think so, or just slightly paler. Funny we've never come across it before. I have lots of Aquilegias too - love them - there is such a variety available too. These semi's don't have spurs I notice.....

1 May, 2009


No - more delicate-looking, and very strange that they have hit the GCs this year!

2 May, 2009


Yes it is...and strange name too - semi-aquilegia? So what's the other half then?!

3 May, 2009



3 May, 2009

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This photo is of species Semiaquilegia.

This photo is of "Semiaquilegia 'Sugar Plum Fairy'" in Spritzhenry's garden

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