Our native Pinxter-flower in bloom
By Flcrazy
- 26 Apr, 2009
Rhododenron nudiflorum I transplanted behind my swing trellis
Comments on this photo
native huh!? What a lovely shrub!! Spring in your neck-of-the-woods must be a fantastic display!
26 Apr, 2009
It's a beauty!
26 Apr, 2009
Thanks Ladies, appreciate your comments.
Wasn't so pretty when we moved in Lori, but nothing shy about me when it comes to traipsing through the woods with shovel in hand . It was going to be nice when I was done with it or I was going to die trying...lol. Hubby not to fond of that side of my personality for some strange reason.....,can't figure out why.....?!!!!
26 Apr, 2009
hmmm.... it's a riddle, wrapped in a conundrum! We are alike in that regard...so I guess I'm not a good one to ask for an opinion! lol.
26 Apr, 2009
What does bullheaded, headstrong, and one track-minded have to do with it anyway....lol. What does he know...????
27 Apr, 2009
This is so beautiful! I love how showy these long flowers are without the big leaves.
27 Apr, 2009
Yes GT, this is one of those shrubs that bloom and start to leaf out at the same time. It goes from nothing to giving it everything it's got, in a matter of a few weeks.
27 Apr, 2009
Lovely variety in a beautiful woodland setting .
28 Apr, 2009
Thanks Bonkers, it's one of the few Hubby helped me dig up and transplant, so he has a soft spot in his heart for this one too
28 Apr, 2009
: ) : )
28 Apr, 2009
Very pretty.
2 May, 2009
I found a honeysuckle in the bush when I was looking for ferns! It's great what you can find...recently Claytonia! will have to take a small clump of that it's picky about leaf mould and shade...but I'm going to try it! hmmm....bull headed? lol... stubborn....LOL.... yep!
4 May, 2009
How about trendy and smart, that's what comes to my mind Lori...lol
4 May, 2009
Yes...I would say that you are probably 2 to 5 years ahead of the present trend...right? by the time everyone else has caught up...you've moved on!!
I posted a pic yesterday of a viburnum trilobum, like i hve in my garden, in the woods...growing and in blossom!!! mine hasn't even leafed out yet! It was a bit of a shock to see so I took a picture for proof!! I was so temped to bring home a raft of wildflower roots...but decided better not.
7 May, 2009
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very pretty
26 Apr, 2009