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Wisteria at night

Wisteria at night

Just in case you all thought I'd finished for today, I just took a flash photo of my Wisteria. 10.45pm here in Hungary.

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Still looks beautiful at night ,and I bet it smells lovely....

28 Apr, 2009


Hi Crisp that looks lovely one of my favorites

28 Apr, 2009


The perfume is wonderful. It quite knocks us out when we walk out of our door.

28 Apr, 2009


Lovely flowers - so long!

28 Apr, 2009



28 Apr, 2009


its beautiful

28 Apr, 2009


The flower cluster are very long Chris, it's beautiful!

28 Apr, 2009



3 May, 2009


That looks lovely.

3 May, 2009


This is beautiful Chris! Can you advise my friend? She has a wisteria that was moved last year - a neighbour didn't want it! It appeared fine with plenty of new growth but is now suffering from some sort of curling up of leaves and appears to be being shredded by something? Any ideas?

10 May, 2009


Not really. Ours is very old and just keeps going. Sounds like the move upset it. Keep it watered and hope it does better next year I guess.

10 May, 2009

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This photo is of "07. Views of Terrace" in Chrispook's garden

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