"Patio" detail (29.04.09)
By David

29 Apr, 2009
Metal hanging ornament, £5.00 @ TK Maxx, cream earthenware pot, found in my front garden, Carex comans "Milk Chocolate", a gift from GOY's Janette, chocolate elephant garden ornament, £14.00 from Asda, copper oil lamp with wick and oil, left by previous occupier, wooden planter on castors (42"width x 21" breadth x 18"depth). home-made for £22.50 :-)
Comments on this photo
Your planter looks fabulous - excellent work!
29 Apr, 2009
Many Thanx, Tina and Grammazoo!
Tina, this is an oil lamp, with a wick. You fill the container with oil, which soaks its way up the wick. The previous occupier of my house left behind two of these, along with wooden poles, which have brackets at the top to hold the lamps. As I don't have any natural soil level in this garden, I can't stake the poles in, so will sit the lamps closer to eye-level. You use the same oil as for modern greenhouse paraffin-type heaters. I use "Parasene" ( a modern take on kerosene), which I can get from a local Homebase store. :-)
29 Apr, 2009
Just remembered! The decking was free, too. Two years ago, my parents-in-law had a ramp made leading up to their front door for wheelchair access (you could have driven a bus up there going by the amount of timber they had bought) I collected up the offcuts, which were to be dumped, knowing that I might, one day, find a use for them. Well, now, I have! See, we blokes can collect and store stuff, like magpies or squirrels (to link to our current garden theme), and actually use it, haha! I only had to buy the deck stain!/preserver :-). Total cost of 9 ft x 8 ft deck - £21.99, for the deck paint. :-)
29 Apr, 2009
Well put together and well in budget. The new theme is looking excellent right from the start. :-)
30 Apr, 2009
Thanks for that David.I had a feeling it might be a lamp and was thinking that if you rubbed it a Genie would appear to grant you your wishes lol.You have done a fantastic job with those offcuts and I am all for recycling materials.I tend to womble stuff,though have never had the nerve to dive into skips since I have got older and couldn't have done it when I was younger as I wasn't tall enough lol.
Nice to know as well that James and Eilidh take an interest in helping you as well.They will turn out well rounded individuals and I mean that in the nicest way,that thye will enjoy doing things in the garden albeit planting things or doing DIY jobs.....
30 Apr, 2009
OMG David this looks Wonderful i bet u spend lots of time admiring all this hard work dont u? :)
30 Apr, 2009
I thought I was Queen of the bargains David :) WoW it looks Brilliand, I love it all and the wall hanging is Fab, im going to look into my TKMax soon, I might be Lucky and get one myself :)
30 Apr, 2009
~Looks very "days of the Raj!' David!~clap your hands and two servants will appear bearing hot chocolate!.
1 May, 2009
Hi Greenthumb, Many thanks! :- (why not all digits?( I love your peppers,and other veggies/fruits) :-)
Tina2 :- The children get really annoyed if I don't keep "obs for them to do. :-)
Jacque :- no time to linger and look, - yet, but once I get that sunlounger............... :-)
Hi Dee! :- I got that ornament in the January sales. It had 3 panels, but the lowest one had a chain broken, so was reduced. I sawed off the broken one, and have kept for use elsewhere. They may still have some, however. Hope you strike it lucky in your local store! :-)
Arlene! You have almost scored a "bullseye" with this comment! I'm glad you think so, as the inspiration for this small area is a "theme within a theme". :-)
1 May, 2009
hi dav.i like soooooooooooo much ur elefant.do u know that the elefant giving a luch.wish u a lots of luck 4 u and ur family.:)
8 May, 2009
Hi Toshka! T hank You very much! Yes, elephant ornaments are supposed to bring luck, but I can't remember which way they should face - towards the door (back gate) or as if coming in through it! :-)
8 May, 2009
If they were going out the back gate they might be taking your luck with them!! David you have used "found" objects, purchased pieces, and you own inspiration and pulled it all together wonderfully! Very stylish...and true to theme! It's amazing what can be made by our own two hands, aye? The sense of satisfaction is the best part! Congratulations...big thumbs up from me!
10 May, 2009
Many, many Thanks, Lori!
Will turn the elephant around, immediately!
This little area is being developed to represent Prince Pondicherry's chocolate palace, lol! It might end up looking stylish (?), but will also be a mini theme within a theme, so to speak. Some of our edibles will be grown around here, including climbing French bean "Cobra", "chocolate" mint, coriander, Calendula "Indian Prince", and Nasturtium "Maharajah" series, to name but some. All of these are, at the present time, growing on from seed in my lounge (as I no longer have a greenhouse), lol! :-)
10 May, 2009
You're even better than me in economising ;-)
31 May, 2010
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This photo is of "J. "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" inspirations" in David's garden
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All looking good david.May I be nosey and ask what the item is that is to the right of the Carex please balancing on the edge of the planter....
29 Apr, 2009