Fuchsia, Hummingbird & Gazing Ball, 2007
By Alandrapal

1 May, 2009
hummingbird and reflection in gazing ball/mirror ball, with perennial fuchsias on our front patio. Captured from open front window with telephoto lens. Think the fuchsias have been winter killed over the past winter, no sign of life yet in them. This photo was featured in Photo of the Day on one photo website :)
Comments on this photo
Fantastic photo,stunning....
1 May, 2009
Wow!! Look at his head, so cute.
1 May, 2009
Hi Tina2 and Michaella, thankyou both, was surprised how soon you had commented. happy you like it :) Can't wait til the hummers start "fighting" their reflections in the gazing ball again, - but not sure if they will this year, if the fuchsia doesn't come back to life, as I think it's the fuchsia that attracts them in the first place, then, being very territorial little devils, they try to fight off their reflection, thinking it's a rival hummingbird, LOL.
1 May, 2009
1 May, 2009
stunning photograph, i never tier of looking at your pics.
1 May, 2009
again, many thanks Janette and Mageth. I can't get over all the encouraging comments from members of this group, much appreciated. On some photo groups that I send pics in to, most of the time, nobody ever comments on them!
1 May, 2009
some days there is so much activity i dont have time to kook at them all, so it can be weeks before i find them
1 May, 2009
Alandra this is such a wonderful photo....quite detailed and the reflection is awesome...
1 May, 2009
know what you mean, Mageth. Am finding this quite time consuming already :) but lots of fun. Trouble is, it's time to be gardening now.
Thankyou, Skippy, am happy you like it.
1 May, 2009
1 May, 2009
many thanks Milky
2 May, 2009
Perfecto! Do you sell your photos Alandrapal?
2 May, 2009
Hi Tasteya. thankyou. So far I have sold 2 hummer photos to one person in California. Plus prior to that, an Internet Security company in UK licensed one of the hummer photos from me, to use on an invitation to their customers, - to a meeting at Canary Wharf in London. That was quite exciting, altho initially I had no idea what to do, and was very scared incase I messed up somehow, sending the image to them by email :)
The internet security man was very nice, and offered to let me see the final product (invitation) - I expected to receive a couple of postcards. Well, a lovely surprise happened. As it turned out, on my birthday - a package arrived and here were about 50 of the prints! So I was able to include them with our Xmas cards that year. I thought that was so nice of that man.
Of course, he had no idea it was my birthday, just a coincidence, a lovely one.
2 May, 2009
Wow, beautiful!
21 Apr, 2010
Pictures by alandrapal
10 of 58
What else?
Featured on: non british garden bird pictures
This photo is of species fuchsia perennial.
See who else has plants in genus Fuchsia.
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Fuchsia Boliviana
£15.00 at Burncoose -
Fuchsia (Trailing) 12 Jumbo Ready Plants
£14.98 at Jersey Plants Direct -
Fuchsia (Upright) 12 Jumbo Ready Plants
£14.98 at Jersey Plants Direct -
Fuchsia (Giant) 12 Jumbo Ready Plants
£14.98 at Jersey Plants Direct -
Fuchsia 'Lady Boothby'
£14.50 at Burncoose
in my version of this, the complete tail is in the frame :) Even tho I re-sized this to 500 x 400 someodd, it still got chopped off when uploaded to this site :)
1 May, 2009