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Blooming Sea Onion

Blooming Sea Onion (Ornithogalum longibracteatum)

Or pregnant onion, I'll link the official name....:-). It will bloom for about two months, flower ending at about 2ft long.

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Excellent. Looks wonderful.

5 May, 2009


Thanks Gilli.

I must say I love the new plant links on the side!

5 May, 2009


I quite like this.

5 May, 2009


Watch that ceiling fan :)

6 May, 2009


lol, I've got it staked up this time Mike. :-) Thanks Pamd. Its really unusual but very fun. More like sea squill than anything else I've seen. The flowering stalk is four feet on its own!

6 May, 2009


I had one Greenthumb and lost it. I never over water plants I guess because I work a lot with cacti and succulents and I'm light on the water but I think I drowned my onion. I want to get another as soon as I come across one because I really enjoyed it. The onion I had was huge. As big as a grapefruit and it once shot up two flower spikes at the same time that were 4 to 5 feet long.

8 May, 2009


Sorry you lost yours Mike. I generally have mine on the dry side. It really drinks it up when flowering. They are so low maintenance I'm surprized you lost one. I got this one from division and it hadn't multiplied until just lately. Its getting really large, needs a new pot. Wonderful to have on blooming with 2 at once!

8 May, 2009


Wow, (mouth dropping) what a flower spike!!!
Love it...really an eye catcher. Well done, greenthumb!

12 May, 2009


Thanks Holantina. It really is big! :-) More open now, I should post another pic.

13 May, 2009

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This photo is of species Ornithogalum longibracteatum.

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This photo is of "Sea Onion" in Greenthumb's garden

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