Unnamed fuchsia
By Scotkat
- 5 May, 2009
Just given here a haircut may take more off yet ,but got loads of cuttings away to pot up.
Comments on this photo
She looks really good Scotkat.I will have to look through my fuchsia books to see if I can find out the name...
5 May, 2009
Got a tray of 20 tip cuttings of haircut all pot up watered an now inheated greenhouse.
Lets see how many come up with same name I thinkit is?:)
5 May, 2009
Looks better now.
6 May, 2009
Good morning Hywel may take more for head and ready should be piniching out every 3rd leaf but as there are so many buds ,shall leave it for now.
6 May, 2009
Yes pitty to lose the flowers. I had a similar one called Paula Jane. Is it that ?
6 May, 2009
10 out of 10 you got it that is what I said as soon as I bought it with no name as I had Paula Jane few yrs ago.
When tips rooted Hywel shall send you a cutting.
6 May, 2009
Thank you Kath :o)
6 May, 2009
Your welcome and my pleasure.
6 May, 2009
That looks great Kath ,clever you....I have some Paula Jane in the greenhouse at the moment ,might get this a try myself...
6 May, 2009
Thankyou Janette :) look for a three leaf fuchsai works best with 3.
9 May, 2009
Just this morning I was pruning out some dead wood on my two standards with deep red sepals & a purple corolla. I took a few cutting & put them in a pot. It's quite a vigorous plant & they will soon root. I covered the pot with a plastic bag so expect some new plants in a few weeks time. I shall have to see if I can find a photo of it.
Your plant looks lovely! Congratulations! :)
By-the-way, these standards come from a three leafed variety.
23 May, 2009
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How do you think she now looks?
5 May, 2009