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oh my oh my!

18 Mar, 2008


I remember reading about an avid orchid collector who loved his orchids so much that he named his children after the orchids...One of his daughters was named poor child, imagine going to school with that name!. beautiful orchid...what's in a name?

18 Mar, 2008


check out according to them this is a Masdevallia orchid from South America, it is a 'cloud forest orchid... likes cool humidity, 50 degrees F. at night, max of 75degrees F. daytime. shouldn't be allowed to dry out...they suggest a spritz in the morning.

19 Mar, 2008


Wow, is this your plant? Look at all of those blooms. Amazing. It is a Masdevallia Lori :)

26 May, 2008


Hi~ No unfortunately it is not one of mine. I saw it at an Orchid show last year.

12 Jun, 2008

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