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Does this help Spritz?


By Toto

Does this help Spritz?

Could it be Pyrethrum? Whoops, shouldn't have guessed. Gilli will be giving me the dunces cap.

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This looks very much like Marguerite to me Toto .

10 May, 2009


Ah. Thanks Bonkers. My one brain cell which is hanging by a very weak thread has just decided to wake up. I'm sure your right. Now I'm in trouble, again. Please don't tell Gilli or grass me up to Milky when she gets back.

10 May, 2009


No worries there Toto as Spritz may still come back and say I ve got it wrong ! Secret safe from Milky but Gilli from Yorkshire originally and one of her ancestors was a famous Yorkshire giant well over 7 feet tall - if she s inherited any of his genes .. sorry you re on your own been nice knowing you though

10 May, 2009


Oh! At least she doesn't know where I live.

10 May, 2009


Is it evergreen with slightly silvery leaves? If so, I think it might be Anthemis cupaniana. Just a guess...

11 May, 2009


Thanks Spritz.

11 May, 2009


I think Spritz may be right - see:

11 May, 2009


I think so too Elke. Thanks for the reference point.

11 May, 2009


Toto......I wouldn't dream of making any remarks. My 7 foot 9 inch 3rd Great Granduncle would also be the perfect gentleman I'm sure. Can't you see the halo over my head?? By the way......where DO you live....Hee hee hee.....!!

17 May, 2009


I think the Halo is a little blurred on my pic Gilli.

17 May, 2009


Oh's not blurred at's just a little crooked!! LOL.

18 May, 2009


Do you mean that it's slipped Gilli. Surely not.

18 May, 2009


NOOOoooooo.....not slipped.....just sitting at a more "fashionable" angle.

19 May, 2009


Jaunty, they call it.

19 May, 2009


Jaunty Gilli......I like it!! LOL

22 May, 2009


Suits you.

22 May, 2009


Hee hee hee..... :oD

23 May, 2009

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