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Spiders Web


By Amy

Spiders Web

Seen outside a Blacksmiths Forge , can you see the spider ?

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Amazing - that's very well done.

11 May, 2009


This is Different Amy :)

11 May, 2009


It was a surprise to see it so huge leaning against the side of the old building .........

11 May, 2009


Wow......that's a huge web Amy....and a huge Spider there......Yikes...!!!

17 May, 2009


wow i love that and you say your not an artist.define artist ? lol i think a hair dresser is an artist myself.brilliant infact if you dont mind i wouldnt mind borrowing the idea please.take care amy bye for now

31 May, 2009


NP .. thanks , but there,s no way that I can take any credit for this I only took the pic. ... LOL ..

It,s not far from me at Little Fransham , if you manage to get over here you can take a look at it yourself , I can,t see how anyone can object to you borrowing an idea .. in fact they should be flattered !
Isn,t this sunshine fantastic !!! :o)

31 May, 2009


ow you can take credit you had the pressence of mind to take the picture just like i could take the idea but i ask as its in my nature .do you mind if i get some glass paint and do your sugar skull on the pain of glass in my front door full size please . i ask as theres enough takers on this planet i dont need to add to that selfish loving the weather though i am so knackerd as ive bean doing that water feacture well the pagoda for it anyway .i just dont love the way my back feals right now lol. my knees shot to lol so i think this will be my last sculpture but it isnt a problem though it upsets me i still have pottery and drawing.some people dont have any knees to be shot lol.i kinda know all i need to know about the web thanx to you but im delivering your elephant which i guess will be quicker now and if its not far why not have a would be a pleasure.what have you bean up to amy ? what made me ask about the skull is ive stuck your one on my door door which i cherish and it inspired me.i couldnt tell you if you ask me why i like skulls im just drawn to them yet i wont draw one funny hay .anyway take care amy ill see you sooner or later bye for now x x x

31 May, 2009


I have got to make one of those for my garden. It is sooooo cool.

5 Sep, 2009


It is very clever isn,t it ... can you do iron work Lindenborg ?

5 Sep, 2009


Nope but I thought of making it out of rope.

6 Sep, 2009


i could do this easy amy.not showing of but the rope idea will make it look more of a natural shape than that one.i would use meatal but copy a web picture and maybe get a heavy clear varnish like yaght varnish.keep over painting it and it should look like a web with the morning due on it.

6 Sep, 2009


ive got a welder i just need a mask .i wouldnt have the cheesy spider would be brilliant if it was incorperated into a small raught iron gate i think

6 Sep, 2009


webs stronger than steel pound for pound easily.they used to use it in telescopic sights in rifles because it was so strong and stretchy.

6 Sep, 2009


O.k you two ... LOL.. get to work , lets see the difference ..
The rope sounds good to me , it would look more natural !

6 Sep, 2009


yes it would but it would rot unless you used nylon which mite be an idea and if i used it for a gate it mite be quite a floppy gate lol

6 Sep, 2009


LOL .. it would be a floppy gate Leigh ...LOL... it wouldn't keep much in or out .:o)

Leigh did you know that they have a sculpture thing on at Blickling Hall at the moment where people have put sculptures in the grounds for people to look at ? .. I don't know if it will become a regular thing !

6 Sep, 2009


no i didnt wear is that amy please ? i do now and do you have to take them back ? thanx for that xx

6 Sep, 2009

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