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Polygala myrtifolia / Sweet Pea Shrub

Polygala myrtifolia / Sweet Pea Shrub (Polygala myrtifolia / Sweet Pea Shrub)

Sweet Pea Shrub is very commonly grown in will grow to 6 feet/ 2 meter tall and has many Sweet Pea-type flowers. It is almost everblooming. This small shrub had a bumble bee on it. Photo taken April 23, 2009.

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OMG its so Lovely Delonix :) iv never heard of a Sweetpea Shrub ? It reminds me of the Plant Cerinthe "Honeywort" but in Pink :D

18 May, 2009



This is a very common little shrub in grows all over. It's mostly grown like a miniature standard tree. I don't think I've ever seen it out of bloom.
It's in the the milkwort family (Polygalaceae). I'm not sure if it's related to Cerinthe - Honeywort.

19 May, 2009

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