By Toto
- 18 May, 2009
Campion in garden.
Comments on this photo
Thank you Gee.
19 May, 2009
Its Beautiful Toto :) Can u help with a WildFlower iv put in Questions?
19 May, 2009
Nice pink Toto............
19 May, 2009
That's very like the one I planted, isn't it! Lovely.
20 May, 2009
Thanks Jacque, Milky and Spritz. Yes Spritz although I couldn't say if it's exactly the same variety. I grew some from seed collected from this one this year and planted what I wanted in the garden and gave the rest away. I expect that I will be collecting seed from it again this year so if anybody wants any, please let me know and I'll put you on my list.
20 May, 2009
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That makes a bright spot, Toto, very pretty.
18 May, 2009