3 Fuchsias From Islander Doing Great :)
By Jacque

19 May, 2009
Comments on this photo
Thanx San cant wait 2 see them Flower :)
19 May, 2009
i have one which im trying to grow into standard,, i have to wait till next year fro flowers, will kill me snipping them buds off this year
19 May, 2009
Love 2 See Standard Fuchsia`s San itl be well worth the wait im Sure :)
19 May, 2009
hope so, im guarding it with my life, in the window at the moment, safer there lol
19 May, 2009
Good Luck with it San :)
19 May, 2009
thanx jacque :o))
19 May, 2009
:D BTW San keep an eye open 4 Green Fly :/ iv been having some Probs with them on My Fuchsia Cuttings :(
19 May, 2009
will do jacque,, cheers
19 May, 2009
These are doing well, Jacque :o)
Islander will be pleased..
19 May, 2009
I think so 2 TT :) Sadly i lost another Beauty Boyd "Islander" Posted to me :( It was the Neighbours Grand Childrens Foot Ball that came over into my garden !! It completely Squashed it TT :(
19 May, 2009
That's a pity Jac. :o(
He sent me a daisy bush, doing well...
19 May, 2009
It sounds Fab TT :)
19 May, 2009
its so frustrating when that happens jacque, kids next door to me do it all the time, i put delphinium in yesterday and today its bent over and a ball next to it, grrrrrrr
19 May, 2009
:( Sorry San . It does make u angry i know but the Fuchsia was my fav out the 4 Islander Sent me it was called Golden Swingtime ! Its leafs were so stunning San :)
19 May, 2009
so sad, can you root any part of it, or is it to damaged?
19 May, 2009
It got 2 Damaged San it was only small & Very Delicate with it :(
19 May, 2009
aww thats to bad jacque, hope you burst his ball lol
19 May, 2009
I have kept it lol ;)
19 May, 2009
me to hahaah
19 May, 2009
LMAO O San what we like lol :)
19 May, 2009
i dont mind them playing,,its the fact they kick them to hard and high for small area`s, but i will just keep them in future and when they ask i will have a word with their mum, shes ok,, i think lol
19 May, 2009
Good to hear ul be giving it back :)
19 May, 2009
What are you two like, lol. ..... actually I have several balls that have come over from my neighbours - their offsprings are in their 20's, grrrr and the balls are those proper big heavy ones. The plants get squashed but the thudding of the ball stops - Victor Meldrew aka Dawn, lol.
19 May, 2009
The Ball i have is 1 of those heavy 1s Dawn :/ Fancy u having 7 Dawn lol :) we should take out Shares in Footballs lol they must be making a fortune replacing the 1s we all have lol :)Wonder if any other GOY Members have neighbours Balls theyv Kept ?? :D
19 May, 2009
lol dawn, baz calls me that to,, how weird, dont know why lol
19 May, 2009
probably jacque, most of the member i would say, we could open a ball shop and replace our plants
19 May, 2009
Now theres an idea :) Make our own Profits ;)
19 May, 2009
lol, yep
19 May, 2009
19 May, 2009
Well ... the parent next door is a PE Teacher and the balls just keep getting replenished .... that's where our taxes go, lol, lol. We've even had proper sized cricket balls come over - I better shut up or I'll go on all night, ha ha.
19 May, 2009
Big Hug Dawn i know how u feel so does San :/ U can tell us get it off your Chest woman lol :) XXX
19 May, 2009
Well ... the parent next door is a PE Teacher and the balls just keep getting replenished .... that's where our taxes go, lol, lol. We've even had proper sized cricket balls come over - I better shut up or I'll go on all night, ha ha.
19 May, 2009
Grrrr my broadband is rubbish, sorry the message came through twice
19 May, 2009
lol lol O Dawn lol :)
19 May, 2009
I thought u ment 2 do it lol :)
19 May, 2009
Ha ha Jacque, like making a statement, lol, lol, lol.
19 May, 2009
Might send it again, ha ha
19 May, 2009
Jacque, sorry, must say the Fucshias look fab :)
19 May, 2009
lol dawn so funny, yes them hard cricket balls really p..s me right off, so dangerous ,
19 May, 2009
what fuchsias were they again jacque? lol
19 May, 2009
LOL :) O well @ least we can laugh about it now :)even if its not Funny @ the time it does happen , Im going 2 say Sweet Dreams My Friends & Chat again soon XXX
19 May, 2009
same here jacque, nite nite to you and dawn x
19 May, 2009
It was so funny in a way when the cricket ball came over and nearly hit our car, I was so mad, I went round to return the ball - the kids scattered, parents were sunbathing, oblivious to it all - I had my moan and came back 10 minutes later with a plant, lol - their way of apologising, ha ha, every cloud has a silver lining.
19 May, 2009
Night night Jacque and Sandra ..... its been a pleasure chatting :)
19 May, 2009
Same Here Dawn :) xxx
19 May, 2009
thats good dawn,, but have the cricket balls stopped,,, i hope so,, :o)
20 May, 2009
I think if Cricket Balls came into My Garden San Summer would Run Off with them lol :)
20 May, 2009
Truffle the puppy is teething...
........ offers to chew up any cricket balls, foot balls, tennis balls......... :o)
20 May, 2009
LOL sounds like a Great Idea TT :) Im sure Little Tuff would take great Joy from doing so ;) lol
20 May, 2009
Truffle could make them into compost for you... :o)
20 May, 2009
We sometimes have the odd golf ball , goodness knows how they get here , the golf course is 3 miles up the road , ... LOL ..
20 May, 2009
Really impressive tee shots. Lol.
20 May, 2009
great shots amy , thats all i can say lol,
lol TT, or is it Tee Tee
20 May, 2009
San: Luckily, no more cricket balls, lol.
TT: I have a vast variety of stray balls that Truffle would just love.
Amy: All I can say is someone must have a very good swing if the golf balls have travelled 3 miles, tee, hee
20 May, 2009
3miles Amy! OMG i couldnt hit a Golf Ball 3 Yards lol :)
20 May, 2009
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look great jacque
19 May, 2009