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Primula vialii

Primula vialii (Primula vialii (Primula))

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I love this plant M.. Gorgeous colours..

20 May, 2009



20 May, 2009


Ooh this is a smashing pic...matching the snapdragons too..........:o)

20 May, 2009


Did you manage to keep yours from last year, Angie, 'cos I didn't - I've planted two new ones!

20 May, 2009


thanks Ladies, yes this is from last year Spritz, it went in late last year so did'nt flower, i know they are kind of borderline between Bianual and Perennial arn't they, also it is in the front garden, which is like a micro climate, i had some begonia's in the bed in front of the window, and you know they have came back of there own accord. :-)

21 May, 2009



21 May, 2009


I missed them when they didn't reappear, and I wanted them on the stream I put two more in.

21 May, 2009


mm they are lovely, i have had them in every garden i have ever had, but i have noticed that you do need to keep replacing them, as they are short lived anyway.

24 May, 2009


Oh dear. Maybe I should think of them as annuals, then??

24 May, 2009


more like short lived perennials i would say Spritz, they will often go 2 or 3 years. well worth replacing too

24 May, 2009


thank you, :o)

3 Jun, 2009


Very Pretty!

6 Jan, 2010

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