Peeping Chippy
By Diohio

15 Mar, 2008
This chipmunk peeped in our front window all summer long last year. It was the funniest thing. The cats would roll and pounce at him through the window and it didn't phase him.
Comments on this photo
OMG this is so great! just look at his/her little Chops all stuffed with food loll :D
16 Mar, 2008
He's downright What a fantastic picture !
12 Jun, 2008
LOL. This is adorable and made me laugh. Thanks :)
5 Sep, 2008
Thanks everyone ! Marquerite they eat the bird seed and corn that we put out. In the pic his chops are full of sunflower seeds !
5 Sep, 2008
Hee hee, isn't he cute
30 Dec, 2009
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Looks like he's got the mumps....te he
15 Mar, 2008