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Crossandra infundibuliformis, Begonia fuchsioides, and Strobilanthes dyerianus in my side garden

Crossandra infundibuliformis, Begonia fuchsioides, and Strobilanthes dyerianus in my side garden

My Crossandra plants just started blooming a couple of weeks ago. The Fuchsia Begonia blooms all year. The almost 3 year old Persian Shield plant is growing well now that I cut it back a little. Photo taken May 20, 2009.

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lovely with the sun shining thru them

21 May, 2009



Thanks for the comment. I actually have to get a photo with the sun shining on them. : > )

21 May, 2009


A beautiful rich combination of leaf and colour ; lovely

21 May, 2009


Beautiful colour on the crossandra (I always think of it as Fire Glow) looks great - it's got such lovely foliage as well.

21 May, 2009


Inverglen, I put these plants in this section of the garden about 3 years ago...I was trying to put plants together that would look interesting with variegated leaves and nice flowers. Thanks.


Crossandra is commonly called/sold as Firecracker flower plant here. It such a compact flowering little shrub, however, doesn't seem to grow very tall. I've
read it can grow to at least 4 feet / 1.3 meter tall.

21 May, 2009

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