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Jatropha gossypifolia - Bellyache Bush

Jatropha gossypifolia - Bellyache Bush (Jatropha gossypifolia - Bellyache Bush)

This is another Bellyache Bush just popped up by itself...they have established themselves in my yard. I pulll them out all the time even today in fact. lol. This plant has larger leaves than usual though...I left in the ground for now. This plant is very poisonous! Photo taken May 20, 2009.

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Hence the name! It's classed as a weed over here - it does have such lovely little flowers though (as most weeds do!)

21 May, 2009


Oooh, I'd steer away from this.... :o(

21 May, 2009



Yes, it has very pretty flowers...this is the reason why I've left a few in the ground. They can become a small tree though.

21 May, 2009


Interesting... but I would do the same as TT....

22 May, 2009


Actually, this plant isn't as bad as I made it out to reseeds profusely, so it is weedy, however, the seeds are very poisonous...not the stems or leaves.

22 May, 2009


It sounds a lot like the Castor Bean... Is Jatropha a Spurge?is it a relative? I grew Ricinus communis last summer because I wanted a large jungle like focal plant! the CB really fit the bill...and it was huge...over 8 ft. tall! and it's seeds are also extremely poisonous....

22 May, 2009



This plant is related to Castor's in the same family, Euphorbiaceae. It's not a Spurge though.

Yes, I know all about Castor Bean Trees. They grow wild here as a weed to 20 feet/ 6 meters tall...although they are pretty short-lived...only about 7 - 10 years.

23 May, 2009


Are Castor Bean Trees the same as Castor Oil Plants? We are plagued with them here in Sydney.

31 Dec, 2010


Pip c:

Yes, they're the same. Castor trees pop up everywhere...even in the asphalt along the freeways here.

We've had extreme flooding in California (just like in Australia) this year...that means we'll have billions popping up soon. :>)

31 Dec, 2010


sory for interrupt..hello..i from malaysian..can i ask,where can i find this plant? i need to do for my research project..huuhh..

8 Jun, 2011



Not sure where you can find it in Malaysia. However, it would most likely naturalize like crazy in your very hot and humid tropical climate.

Here in San Diego it's available at our local nurseries...however, it does naturalize...and becomes weedy.

8 Jun, 2011

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This photo is of species Jatropha gossypifolia - Bellyache Bush.

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