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My pink corner getting pinker!

My pink corner getting pinker!

There are still more flowers to open...then it really will be pink!

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yes its pink lol

21 May, 2009


Lovely Colours Spritz :)

21 May, 2009


Love it! and i recon i can speak for Brooke on that one too.... i have been sorting her out her own little flower bed, it is inbetween the barbie tree and the pond, we are going to get some big stones to decorage the edges, and i am going to take her to the GC to choose some flower to plant in it, she has already been looking round the garden at some that she would like to 'move' into her garden...i have a funny feeling her theme will also be pink lol... half term next week so may just do a blog on her adventures.

21 May, 2009


Angie - I meant to ask you - in the top right hand of this corner there are 4 'Everlast' of course... all with buds on. They came back from last year - did yours?

21 May, 2009


so pretty spritz

22 May, 2009


Yes it did Spritz, i thought i had lost it, but it died right back, but it is back now with a little flower on it, :-) i had a feeling it might go underground, i have a non-hardy one that i have kept in the greenhouse for the winter for the last 3 years, and it does die back completely.....but the name everlast kind of sagests that it will be evergreen does'nt it! glad yours are back, they were so lovely last year.

24 May, 2009


Good - I thought it might do what mine did - although each of mine had one silly little leaf left over the winter, so I knew they were still there! Like little flags saying 'Here we are'! lol.

24 May, 2009


mine did do the same but even the little leaf died eventually, i was just about to replace it and then, pop! up it came again :-)

24 May, 2009


Nice to have survivors instead of casualties for a change!

24 May, 2009


is'nt it just....

24 May, 2009


how hardy is the gerbera then? will it do in east Yorks do you think. I love them.

27 May, 2009


If you look out for the 'Everlast' seris they are suposed to be fully hardy outside in the UK. they are a new arrival, but have been tested in Essex in Somerset by myself and Spritz. and they have past with flying colours! All other varieties of Gerbera, are not hardy though, i have a tender one that i have overwintered in my unheated greenhouse for the last 3 years, but they do go completely underground for the winter - apart from that they are easy to grow Seaburngirl, give it a go!.

27 May, 2009


I agree - go for it, if you can track them down, Sbg! :-)

27 May, 2009


i got my white one in homebase or B&Q last year, but it was much later in the season, otherwise you could try ebay, but just make sure you go with someone that has a good record, and if poss feedback left about the plant you are buying.

28 May, 2009


You didn't tell me you had a white one as well??

28 May, 2009


I only have white Spritz, it has a pinky colour on the underside of the petals but not as pink as yours, more dusty and the flower is white when it opens.... if it seeds would glady do you a swap with your pink?

3 Jun, 2009


They didn't seed last year, but if they do, yes, of course!

3 Jun, 2009


Neither did mine, which is why i said if. but you never know, fingers crossed.

3 Jun, 2009


How do you propagate them then? They are still to small to split??

3 Jun, 2009

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