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A little hunter.


By Toto

A little hunter.

Comments on this photo


Ooooeeerr!!!! I'm a fan of bugs and spiders, but this one made me shiver.
Good pic, hun. :o)

27 May, 2009


brilliant photo

27 May, 2009


Never seen one like this Toto .. little ? looks pretty big to me .Great close up .

27 May, 2009


New one to me, great photo!

28 May, 2009


Little !!! It looks Huge Toto :/ Great Pic all the Same :)

28 May, 2009


Looks like he put two legs down each trouser leg to me? Wonder if he can run like that! Great photo, Toto.

28 May, 2009


Thank you all so much. He / she is not that uncommon. Today I found another one with her eggs. At the risk of boring you all, I'm going to post a pic.

28 May, 2009



28 May, 2009


Sorry Wagger but your going to get it, like it or not. They don't call me the biggest bore in history for nothing.

28 May, 2009


Oh Toto, the crikey was at this photo - not the impending one. I've put one up for you now.

28 May, 2009


Thanks, I'll take a look.

28 May, 2009


great shot of the hunter.

29 May, 2009


Thanks Newfie.

29 May, 2009


I love spiders and this one really looks as though it is made of velvet. Has it got a bite to it? Yesterday I rescued two large spiders away from the cat and put them into the garden.

3 Jun, 2009


Like all spiders, it does have a bite but it would't affect people unless they had an allergy so unless you fall into that category you have no need to fear.

3 Jun, 2009

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