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Wild Blueberries Blooming

Wild Blueberries Blooming

A little wild blueberry bush, looks like the crop this year will be pretty good. This is all over the place, simple to pick, watch for bears. :-)

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I'm a coward, GT, the bears can have them!

28 May, 2009


It a pretty wide expanse here Gee, you would see them a long way off. But they do love blueberry, its a midsummer staple for them. I had a whole backyard of blueberry once, and never a bear did I see.

28 May, 2009


When can you pick them there?
They're not ready here until Sept.

29 May, 2009


It'll be quick. Some will be ripe end of July. August is the blueberry season. First berries will be raspberry first week of July, at my house that is like a weed, a welcome weed some spots, but very invasive.

30 May, 2009


Yummy weeds!

30 May, 2009


:-) I agree. I'll have to get some thicket photos this summer. The raspberries are really overwhelming.

31 May, 2009

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