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Back garden 2

Back garden 2

This is photo shows the same border but taken further back showing the path and the border in front. We removed all the grass some time ago as the borders got bigger!

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Welkcome to GoY.

1 Jun, 2009


Welcome from me too! Love your garden Keithsmum :)

1 Jun, 2009


Oh, how I know that feeling - my borders grow each year! :-)

1 Jun, 2009


Thanks everyone for the warm welcome. I'm still working my way through things here so please bear with me. I'll add more photos soon.

1 Jun, 2009


Beautiful lots of variety in there, look forward to seing more!

4 Jun, 2009


I think I need to take more pics. What I've got isn't that recent! Thanks for the lovely comment.

4 Jun, 2009


Stunning garden, do keep posting.

5 Jun, 2009


Thanks DD2 - it's just a pity the weather's not been very nice since I joined this forum. I've not been in the garden all week.

5 Jun, 2009


I like your planting :)

6 Jun, 2009



9 Jun, 2009


Thanks Louise1 and Gilli. The photo's not up to date so I'll need to take some others.

9 Jun, 2009


I would love to remove all my lawn but imagine it takes a lot of time and money to get the garden looking like yours!

10 Jun, 2009


Jangue - nibble away at the grass edges and do it gradually! lol.

10 Jun, 2009


I did just that yesterday (only a couple of inches though!)

10 Jun, 2009


This is simply gorgeous ! I see that you get alot of additional color in your garden from blending beautifully colored foliage plants together, that's certainly the way to go !

27 Jul, 2009


Thank you flcrazy. Actually I was thinking yesterday a lot of the colour has gone and I'm left with lots of green. I was considering a trip to the garden centre at the weekend to get more colour into it!

27 Jul, 2009


This is delightful!

14 Aug, 2009


Thank you. It's awfully wet out that at the moment.

14 Aug, 2009

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