Beginning of winter in northern Oz: Gums are still shedding
By Bernieh

3 Jun, 2009
There are several of these very tall white gums on my property and they are all in various stages of shedding the outer bark revealing the new layer of bark underneath.
Comments on this photo
Do you do anything with the bark?
5 Jun, 2009
No Tastyg it just becomes mulch around the base of the tree.
5 Jun, 2009
Many of our Eucalyptus trees are shedding their bark now also...they are especially messy when used as a parking lot tree. LOL
I'm laughing...because I was going to take a photo of the Eucalyptus bark all over the parking lot where I grocery shop.
7 Jun, 2009
We have the same problem here Delonix - some of the gums were left when shopping centres and housing developments were built and every winter there's a mess under these trees. But they're such a magnificent sight for most of the year that there are not too many complaints.
8 Jun, 2009
It's pretty much the same story here...most people don't complain too much about the peeling bark...except when it's a large tree in a small parking or house lot.
8 Jun, 2009
I have several eucalypts in my garden so have two leaf drops - the ordinary autumn drop of our deciduous trees and the summer drop of the eucalyptus leaves - now - all over the lawn - into the pond - everywhere. If I want the trees I just have to put up with collecting the leaves up.
7 Jul, 2009
Exactly Wagger - they're magnificent trees but quite messy! My hubbie despairs about the constant cleaning up needed under these beauties.
7 Jul, 2009
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Weird but I like it !
3 Jun, 2009