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Garden Seat in my Garden Today


By Sid

Garden Seat in my Garden Today

Comments on this photo


your garden is lovely

3 Jun, 2009


Love Ur Stone Bench Sarah its in the perfect place to :) Those Delps in back ground look fab & your Stacys is much more ahead than mine :(

4 Jun, 2009


Thanks Eileen :-)

Thanks Jac I had to rip out handfulls of the Stacys as it doesn't have enough room to spread just there, but I like the way the colour matches the bench... The delphs have done well this year :-) They are dwarf ones - they only reach about 5ft so don't need staking.

4 Jun, 2009


Dwarf 5ft ! My Delps are Dwarf 3ft Sarah lol :)

4 Jun, 2009


Are they?! Maybe mine are just small proper-sized ones then ;-) I just remembered - I had to crouch down to take this photo - my new neighbours CONSTANTLY have washing on their line - I had to crouch down otherwise there would have been a row of pants in the background LOL

4 Jun, 2009


LOL as long as there Clean Pants Sarah it dont matter lol :)

4 Jun, 2009


lol....oh no i think i can just see the tops of the paints in the background lol and you have done such a good job Sid, this looks lovely,

4 Jun, 2009


This is lovely - and a hole free hosta too!

4 Jun, 2009


Very nice the birds visit the bird bath? Those do not look like Dwarf Delfs to me we did not have to see the awfull.. pants..oh that is why they look taller.. from you squatting down like that.

5 Jun, 2009


At least when you sit down you'll have your back to the pants! Lovely flower bed.

5 Jun, 2009


Thanks for the nice comments :-)

Cat - yes, the birds do visit the birdbath - mostly little things and blackbirds but I have seen a fat pigeon sat in there before :-) And, yes, I think my squatting down has made the delphs look taller - they are mostely about 5ft tall really.

I wouldn't mind the pants so much if she took them back in when they're dry, but she seems to leave the same lot out for days at a time....... :-S

6 Jun, 2009


5ft tall is not all that dwarf tall are the ones that are not dwarf?

6 Jun, 2009


Well, I just looked it up and Delphs are said to reach 5 - 8 ft. 'Spose I've just got small-bigguns then ;-)

6 Jun, 2009


Too bad they didn't reach 8 ft..they would have covered your neighbors then you had to go and get the dwarfs...didn't you.

6 Jun, 2009


I'd have had to crouch down even lower to get big ones in the picture ;-) Might not have go back up again lol

6 Jun, 2009


This is a lovely area Sid...:>)

27 Aug, 2009


Thank you :-)

27 Aug, 2009


i just love this seat and the planting around it sid :o)

7 Nov, 2009


Thanks San - it looks so pristine here! Hasn't looked that good for a few months! lol

8 Nov, 2009


thats the trouble once the plants have finished, wouldnt it be lovely if they stayed like this forever :o))

8 Nov, 2009


Yes! Especially if we could keep the sun all year round too! :-)

8 Nov, 2009


ideal sid :o))

8 Nov, 2009


Perfection. Is that a Lily behind the birdbath ?

9 Dec, 2009


Thanks Muddy - yes, that's a lilly behind - it's a yellow one :-)

10 Dec, 2009

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