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Asphodeline lutea


By Sid

Asphodeline lutea (Asphodeline lutea (King's Spear))

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this is lovely Sid, i have tried them several times, i bought a plant last summer which just died on me, and if i remeber rightly you sent me some seed last year, well they all germinated lovely, but i managed to kill most of them off since then, i did manage to plant 4 of them into the garden a couple of months ago, but they just look like uninteresting clumps of grass, no signs of flowers, infact don't look all that happy at all.... are they bianual? any secrites of sucess? :-(

4 Jun, 2009


Hi Ang - they don't flower in their first year - it's the second or third you'll get flowers. They are perennial. I get the feeling these thrive on neglect. This one is growing in a poor patch of soil which is quite dry. They should form a bluey-green grassy clump over a few years.....I must admit I usually only get 3 flower spikes on mine, but it's done very well this year and has got about 10 flw spikes. They like full sun, an open position and they can be zapped by slugs sometimes, so you need to keep an eye on them, especially early in the season, tho mine seem to be safe now. Hope this helps Ang - good luck with them!

6 Jun, 2009

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This photo is of "Asphodeline lutea" in Sid's garden

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