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Deutzia gracilis

Deutzia gracilis (Deutzia gracilis)

Deutzia come in various whites and pinks but this Deutzia gracilis is a hardy plant and my favourite. It is just so exuberant! It flowers in early summer for weeks.

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Is this a Double White? I got a Deutzie Double White at a plant trade last year and I can't wait for it to bloom...........I was just wondering if this is what it'll look like.

20 Mar, 2008


Deutzia gracilis has single flowers and they are very fragrant. D. monbeigii and D. scabra are whites and there are quite a few more besides. . . . . . My D. gracilis is coming in to leaf right now, so you shouldn't have to wait too long now (end May/early June). I haven't come across a double white so will be interested to see your blooms.

20 Mar, 2008

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This photo was taken at Winsford Walled Gardens.

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