The Garden Community for Garden Lovers



By Sid


Took this photo at the Botanic Garden of Wales last year. This little chap was very tame, but unfortunately I had no crumbs to share with him.

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I have a Robin in my garden but every time I try to get a snap of him off he flies

20 Mar, 2008


This one was most obliging and sat there for some time - about 2ft away from where I was sat!

20 Mar, 2008


Oh he will come up and sit when you are working and he likes oatcakes try and take a photo thats a different matter

20 Mar, 2008


The Robbins that we have here in the USA are completely different. This little fellow is beautiful !

20 Mar, 2008


Just about to say the same thing, Mike. Our robins are larger, the best thing about them is their carolling song when rain is coming! or as the sun is rising. I remember being awakened by the chorus of robins as the sun peeked over the horizon...there was no sleeping...they made such a it's rare to see one...I can count on one hand all the times I saw a robin last summer. Sad state of affairs. I think that is partially because of lawn spraying... they eat grubs and worms...and feed them to their hatchlings.
Your robin is a sweet, petite creature...what is their song like?

20 Mar, 2008


Ha ha - I have a Canadian friend who says exactly the same thing re robins being much bigger. Over here, they are small birds who are generally quite tame - today I've been digging my veggy patch and there has been a robin there with me all day grabbing the worms I dug up. They are very common and are associated with winter and Christmas because they do not migrate.

Lori - the song is absolutely beautiful and very distinct - definately my favourite songbird.

21 Mar, 2008


lovely photo i have a robin that comes into my greenhouse on my allotment a very friendly little bird and a one that feeds in our home garden but like janette we find it to flighty to photo

23 Mar, 2008

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