More nocturnal visitors
By Grammazoo

21 Mar, 2008
This was from two years ago, before I realized where most of the sunflower seed was going - LOL!
Comments on this photo
These little Guys are so SWEET :)
24 Mar, 2008
It's lovely to see other peoples garden visitors. These look a right little pair of mischiefs. We get the occasional fox, and hedgehog visit us. Lindak.
28 Mar, 2008
Pictures by Grammazoo
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This photo is of "45. Garden wildlife & animal visitors" in Grammazoo's garden
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Hi Grammazoo,I
I had a raccoon as a pet when I was a child...they are adorable creatures, curious, intelligent and sometimes downright crafty! I love their little chuckly laugh... and their sleepy trills when they bed down. Like a cat, but with a PhD. sigh.They can be beneficial in the garden...they eat insects and mollusks and sometimes your garbage..but don't ever let them get into your attic! almost as bad a squirrels.
21 Mar, 2008