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Dogwood 'Cornus canadensis'

Dogwood 'Cornus canadensis'

Heres the spring dwarf dogwood native here. I love it, such regal looking things for groundcover

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Very attractive plant and such pretty little flowers.

9 Jun, 2009


It'll turn to bunches of red berries in the center for fall. Makes the summer feel like christmas to me.

10 Jun, 2009


HAAA, I see, GT. You take all the wild ones. very fine.

12 Jun, 2009


I'm collecting the wild flower here for a section in 'My Garden' Many I haven't gone to see for a few years, not growing near me. I'm getting long walks and some nice little car trips. :-) I;m excited to find Baneberry in the fall. Those are grand looking things.

13 Jun, 2009


On the East Coast we call these Bunchberry, Greenthumb. They are everywhere here. I think I posted a photo too, in my Green Bay blog.

2 Jul, 2009


We call them bunchberry sometimes as well. I just love them, a lovely plant. I'll have to check out that blog. :-)

3 Jul, 2009

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