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I Couldn't Resist the Rope Swing

I Couldn't Resist the Rope Swing

A Big Kid on the Enchanted Forest Rope Swing. Groombridge Place May 2009

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looks like great fun, think i would have done the same paul lol

9 Jun, 2009


Burnt my hands on the nylon rope though Sanbaz. Serves me right, ....Silly ol' Devil!

9 Jun, 2009


remember the ropes at school could never get to the top, lol

9 Jun, 2009


School is a distant memory to me. Can't remember much I did there at all... but I'm sure I didn't reach the top of the ropes either. Me and climbing were never best friends!(No head for heights) I think I would have been best to stay firmly rooted to the ground on the day of this picture with hindsight!

9 Jun, 2009


well as long as you enjoyed your family day, thats all that matters paul

9 Jun, 2009


"Boys and their toys" springs to mind Paul. he he he

9 Jun, 2009


Did nt know a scare crow could go on a swing and swing you need a brain to be able to

9 Jun, 2009


Bet you wouldn't have tried that if there had been a stream underneath?

10 Jun, 2009


So hurtful, I knew it was a mistake posting this photo!!!
I definitely wouldn't swing over a stream> I've seen too many of those mishaps on the TV (You've been framed etc) I could hardly hold on for a few seconds as the rope was burning my hands.I should have learnt my lesson because last time I swung on one of these was in 1982 and fell off onto my backside on a lump of rock sticking out of the ground and I injured my back. I then had slipped discs twice in less than a year and have suffered with back problems ever since!
I didn't think I looked like a scarecrow that day. I made an effort as it was Julie's birthday and put on my BEST JEANS!!!!

10 Jun, 2009


lol Paul the scare crow bit was intended about previous photo of you and the scare crow WHICH ONES THE SCARE CROW REMEMBER.???? LOL Laugh and the world laughs with you cry and you cry alone. am me I am laughing my head off so you have made me laugh

15 Jun, 2009

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This photo was taken at Groombridge Place Gardens and Enchanted Forest.

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