For Keithsmom
By Flcrazy

15 Jun, 2009
This is what my honeysuckle flowerbed looks like so far this spring. I took this picture Saturday 6/13/09. Hard to believe it will soon look like last year's picture
Comments on this photo
Certainly gets growing at this tome of year.This looks similar in some ways to my front garden borders and they are growing like mad at the moment. i seem to be tying in new shoots every day!
Lovely garden!
16 Jun, 2009
Thanks Doon, I really love my cannas too. They really add a punch of needed color throughout the entire growing season. The tree in the far back, left corner is a viburnum. The large vine that is growing on my trellis in the middle of the pic is an orange flowering trumpet vine. It looks like a tree in this picture.
16 Jun, 2009
Gorgeous, I lost all my cannas last Winter, bought 3 more & they r starting to look like plants finally. A Viburnum??which one I love the look of your garden, really looks neat.
19 Jun, 2009
I hate to hear that Doon. I'd probably lose my every year too if I had to dig them up every fall. Glad you found some replacements ! They really lend a tropical feel to the garden don't they? The Viburnum in the far left back ground is a Viburnum plicatum tomentosum. It has beautiful upward facing blooms in April and in summer they have red bracts that will be holding dark purple berries in the fall. So it has seasonal interest all season long !
19 Jun, 2009
Great, I have that one as well, in fact I have quite a few Viburnums,eg
Viburnum davidii, macrocephelum, plicatum(summer snowflake, pink beauty, ) sieboldii , opulus. All gorgeous in the garden. The one I desire Mariesii I can not find, one day I will. Don't know where I will plant it though.
19 Jun, 2009
WOW, what an impressive list Doon ! Those vibrunums really do take up alot of room in the garden, but I bet you will make a spot for it somewhere, somehow. We collectors always do seem to find a way to make more room don't we ?
20 Jun, 2009
it is a decease, really, here I am off again to look 4 Maples, do i not have enough??absolutely, but then there R the pots to put them in. 50% sale on at a specialty Nursery for these Acers. Here in CDN they R expensive. My one big one can sell for $900. So maybe when they get to big that is what I will do, just won't tell them.Lol!!!
I do keep my Viburnums trimmed, so to make more space.LOL!!
20 Jun, 2009
Doon, I think you've got it as bad as I You are talking my language friend, I agree with everything you've said ! Sounds like you've thought of everything too, I could take some lessons from you !...;-)
20 Jun, 2009
This looks wonderful FLC ....
20 Jun, 2009
Thanks Dawnsaunt. How's pond life so far this year ? Bet that gunnera is growing faster than the speed of light.
20 Jun, 2009
It is FLC ... I have 3 of them around the pond now. The lilies are all in bloom - white, lemon and pink. I must take a pic. I'm in the process of buying large perennials for the edges - small stuff just gets swamped by the grasses etc.
21 Jun, 2009
Just call me Bwana! all you need is a p/a system and a tape of howler monkeys and tree frogs! It's a jungle! Toss me that pith helmet! Looks absolutely great!
24 Jun, 2009
You'll have to come down and go on safari with me through my jungle one day Lori, we'll have a blast, even if we do get lost along the
24 Jun, 2009
I'll bring the that should sustain us...we could pretend we're searching for Dr. Livingstone! I'm planning my trip...first Massachusetts then N.Carolina...then Arizona...then California...then British Columbia...then Yorkshire...then Rome!!
25 Jun, 2009
Man...., that's quite a list Lori....! I'll make sure and leave bread crumbs so we won't get lost, would hate for you to miss vacationing in all the other places. On second thought, bread crumps didn't work so well for Hansel and Gretel did it. Well..., back to the drawing board !
25 Jun, 2009
Hi flcrazy, Sorry, I seem to have missed this. It looks wonderfully lush, thanks for posting the pic.
26 Jul, 2009
Thanks Keithsmum,and don't give it another thought ! There's no possible way in the world to keep up with all of the posts on this wonderful website..;-)
26 Jul, 2009
How right you are Flcrazy - I've been here for the past two hours just scrolling through pics - I'm having a great time - lol
26 Jul, 2009
Yes I know the feeling...., it just doesn't get any more entertaining for a flower junkie like me than
27 Jul, 2009
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Absolutely lovely, nice Canna & what is the tree in background.
16 Jun, 2009