I love this little clematis
By Flcrazy

7 Jun, 2009
It's called 'Fascination' . I think it's the perfect name for it . It certainly fascinates me...lol
Comments on this photo
It's gorgeous Flcrazy :)
7 Jun, 2009
lovely deep colour, is it the herbaceous type?
7 Jun, 2009
lovely flcrazy like little tinkerbell hats
7 Jun, 2009
love the colour, like a royal blue. gorgeous..
7 Jun, 2009
Hope they do well for you Mike, they are such a delight in the garden and they don't really take any room away from your other plants. I just let mine lay on top of my 'old gold' juniper.
Thanks Louise, I got lucky with this one.
Yes Mageth, it's one of the herbaceous types, this one blooms for several months, and doesn't get out of control.
Thanks Sanbaz, it does look like little hats now that you mention it...lol
I love this color too Youngdaisy, and I think the yellow background from my juniper's needles makes the purple color more pronounced. That turned out to be one of those lucky accidents....:-)
7 Jun, 2009
Ooh...I love it Flcrazy.....my faves are the lantern shapes...are they alpina or tangutica...not sure?....:o)
8 Jun, 2009
I'm not having any luck finding the answer to your question Janey, it's only listed on the web as Clematis ‘Fascination’ # PP14770.
9 Jun, 2009
I would really love to have one of these Flcrazy....its beautiful..:>)
14 Jun, 2009
I had to break down and order this one through a mail order catalog a few years ago, couldn't find it at any of our local nurseries. Sure hope you can find it Motinot, it's surprisingly well worth the effort to find.
14 Jun, 2009
Oh no. Not another one for the wish list! lol It's a beauty....
22 Jun, 2009
Sometimes it just doesn't pay to look does it Sid....., wish I could grow a real money tree, then everything would be right in my little world...;-)
23 Jun, 2009
No it doesn't F1!! With me it's space. I need more space! But I suppose if I had more space, then i'd end up bankrupt from all the plants I would buy to fill it lol
23 Jun, 2009
I'm still looking for the fall blooming (late blooming?) clemmie that's white and fragrant! I LOVE this one though! LOL....I know what you mean about garden financial burden, Sid....I have been buying plants this summer when I expected to just go with what I had until the move was overwith...a rose and a clemm to go with it! But, Why Not?
23 Jun, 2009
Sid, I'm feeling your pain friend !....lol The way I see it is, if I wasn't buying plants, I'd just be wasting my money on something else, so what's the difference, right ?!
Lori if you are looking for the one called sweet autumn clematis,clematis terniflora, just let me know, I'll send you some seeds this fall, or if they will accept rooted soiless plants across the border, I'll send you a few vines instead !
23 Jun, 2009
I know that cuttings are ok...not sure about bare roots though. That is really kind of you..... GREAT! thanks Flcrazy!!
24 Jun, 2009
Well, I'll send you some then Lori, the only thing they can do is turn them down, right ? It's worth a shot ~!
24 Jun, 2009
I'm game if you are! let's see what they say.
25 Jun, 2009
gorgeos colour!
25 Jun, 2009
Thanks Marydoll, and welcome to GOY !
25 Jun, 2009
These are beautiful! I love the dark color. I found some herbaceous clematis like this though not in such a wonderful shade wild in Utah last week up on the rim of Bryce Canyon under the fir trees. 9000ft. Now I know how the vine survives.....there's no vine. :-)
5 Jul, 2009
Isn't it cool how they come in so many different colors, shapes, and sizes ! Just enough to drive us collectors crazy...lol
5 Jul, 2009
Such a little beauty.........
8 Jul, 2009
It's performance has really tickled me this year Dotty, and has peaked my interest in getting more of the integrifolia species. I have to admit it doesn't take much to get me interested in more plants...., I'm hopeless, I know !....lol
9 Jul, 2009
Do they keep their heads down like this? Very pretty :)
11 Jul, 2009
Smashing photo...looks so unusual....your garden is just lovely!
11 Jul, 2009
Thanks Tasteyg, all the blooms nod when they fully open.
Hi Davebat59, haven't heard from you in ages ! How the heck are you ? Thanks for you wonderful comments.
11 Jul, 2009
absolutely love this!
24 Jul, 2011
Thanks Heartnsol, it really is a little gem in my garden, so glad I risked mail-order supplier.
31 Jul, 2011
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VERY nice... Lori sent me some Clematis seeds and it looks like this but yellow. I'm waiting until fall to put down the seeds.
7 Jun, 2009