Bug that lives in my Hosta!

30 Jun, 2009
One for Toto! What is he??
He climbs out to the top when I water then disappears into the growth again when I have finished!
Comments on this photo
Oh TT, I never thought of that! I hope he never gets THAT big!! He'd flatten my plants!!
30 Jun, 2009
Let's hope he has no large relatives lurking around. Lol.
30 Jun, 2009
30 Jun, 2009
It's a vine weevil.
KILL IT NOW ! It will lay eggs in all your pots and the larvae will eat away all the roots.
30 Jun, 2009
:o( :o( :o(
30 Jun, 2009
OMG Hywel...I didn't realise!! Watered tonight and didn't see it....my poor plants. :o(( Must go and look....
30 Jun, 2009
Well done Hywel.....you beat me to it KILL KILL KILL......
30 Jun, 2009
:o( :o( :o( :o( :o( :o( :o(
30 Jun, 2009
:o( Oh help, have searched the pot I saw it in and can't find it! :o(
What if it's got in another one. :o( :o( :o( :o( Is there anything I can apply to the soil to get rid of it/them???
30 Jun, 2009
Hywel... where are you? Pg needs advice. NOW.
:o( :o( :o(
30 Jun, 2009
Here I am :o)
You can buy stuff called Vine Weevil Killer. It's a liquid and you mix it in a watering can, then apply it to the pots.
The liquid contains parasitic nematodes ( like microscopic round worms ) and they eat the larvae of the vine weevils.
KILL ALL the vine weevils you see.
30 Jun, 2009
Are we likely to confuse vine weevils with any other harmless beetles ? :o(
That one in the pic. appears to be black with a spotted body. Is that what it looks like in reality ?
30 Jun, 2009
Thank you, thank you, (bowing as I speak!!!)....so grateful Hywel...will get some tomorrow when in town. Would be devastated to lose my plants, they have done so well this year. I have 40 pots now and 5 troughs...that's a lot to lose!!! Can I get it anywhere? I guess so, don't have to send away or anything?
30 Jun, 2009
It does have a spotted body TT, may-be that is what differentiates it from other 'beetles'....?
30 Jun, 2009
Thanks. I'll know what to look out for...... :o(
Probably easier to eliminate from pots than from garden beds....
Let us know how you get on please....
30 Jun, 2009
Will do TT, Hywel's recommendation is top of my shopping list tomorrow! :o)
30 Jun, 2009
You can get the liquid in most places.
There are lots of different weevils but I think this is the most common in gardens. If you google ' weevil ' you'll find a page with lots of photos of different ones. Vine weevils can be spotty sometimes, or just black.
Good luck. I hope you kill them all, but the liquid will kill the larvae.
30 Jun, 2009
Here it is Paul :o(
1 Jul, 2009
Found it at last.Tt. Yes the dreaded VW (they make a different kind of Beetle called Herbie don't they?) Yes he's best rid of else he'll (or offspring) eat the roots and before you know it , no more Hosta!
1 Jul, 2009
Do they attack all plants ?
1 Jul, 2009
Think so. Particularly pot grown ones!
1 Jul, 2009
:o( :o( :o(
1 Jul, 2009
It's 10.15pm and I've just come in from vine weevil patrol! I was told my Hosta's and Heuchera's were the most susceptible (also cyclamen but I have not got one). So I have treated them and also my white lily, as I saw a VW on it! I stayed outside and have killed 5 adults altogether!!!
Hywel ~ I could not get the treatment you mentioned, only a chemical one. Short of time to search local garden centres and fearing for my plants I reluctantly opted for it. I cannot use it on any edible plants so will have to hope my herbs are OK. I will look out for the parasitic nematodes one for future use.
Tomorrow I will treat the rest of my pots, as I clearly have a problem! :o( :o(
Thank you all for the advice and sympathy!!
1 Jul, 2009
Hope you successfully get rid of this pest, PG. If it wasn't for GoY I would have been overrun with the dreaded lily beetle this year. I didn't realise the pretty little red things were damaging my plants!
1 Jul, 2009
I knew about VW's, but not what they looked like! I thought it was cute that this thing lived in my plant and popped up when I watered! How wrong was I?! I found a lily beetle too, several months ago. Like you had it not been for GoY where I had seen warnings I would have thought that cute too!
1 Jul, 2009
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Is it one of those my dogs are holding on my photo ? Lol.
Toto will know...
30 Jun, 2009