The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

My Plumeria rubra 'Hilo Beauty' - Hilo Beauty Plumeria

My Plumeria rubra 'Hilo Beauty' - Hilo Beauty Plumeria (My Plumeria rubra 'Hilo Beauty' - Hilo Beauty Plumeria)

This is a photo of my Hilo Beauty Plumeria. This photo was
taken in Sept. 2007. It is a late bloomer.

Comments on this photo


This photo is posted for my GoY friend Milky. My Hilo Beuaty Plumeria at the momemt has flower spikes, however, no flowers yet.

3 Jul, 2009


That is a lovely colour Andy......your very lucky to grow them so easily.....

3 Jul, 2009



They are pretty easy to grow...however, they need to
be repotted every couple of years because the soil looses a lot of its nutrients. If I get lazy and don't repot them...
then they don't grow and bloom as well.

4 Jul, 2009


I see why these are called beauty they do exactly what it say's on the tin!

5 Jul, 2009



Yes, this is a beautiful's more spectacular when grown in the ground as a large shrub or tree though. It blooms more prolifically.

5 Jul, 2009


This is certainly a beauty.

27 Jan, 2011



Thanks! Yes, it is...and the fragrance is incredible! It's very spicy-sweet!

28 Jan, 2011


Sounds good enough to eat Andy lol.

28 Jan, 2011



Yes, it does. :>)

29 Jan, 2011



29 Jan, 2011

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Pictures by Delonix1
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This photo is of species My Plumeria rubra 'Hilo Beauty' - Hilo Beauty Plumeria.

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