My Nephew Sean helping in the garden
By Irish

10 Jul, 2009
Comments on this photo
Sean looks cute :o)
10 Jul, 2009
thanks Clarice and TT.
he was such a pleasure to mind today TT
10 Jul, 2009
He's in control of the plants, the football and the dog...
.. and he's coping well with all that responsibility...Lol.
Glad you had fun with him..:o)
10 Jul, 2009
Aww, there he is. Lovely little Sean - has he been a good boy then Eileen? I would guess you are shattered now.
10 Jul, 2009
lol i had forgotten how much energy they have . we spend hrs at the local playground.
i was to have a lesson now but she has just cancelled and omg but am i glad lol
10 Jul, 2009
Ah hes gorgeous Eileen - however methinks you'll be glad when daddy comes to collect him - what are you doing Tuesday week are you up to minding Ben he's no bother and you appear to have the knack shall I tell him Aunty Irish is on Nanny Duty ;) ;)
10 Jul, 2009
tues week,, tues week,,,,, emmmm im sure ive something booked in for that day lol
10 Jul, 2009
don't be worrying Eileen he says he's happy to tag along - the temper tantrums only last an hour and if he throws himself on the ground in Tescos just ignore him and if he asks to go to Smyths it only takes 45 minutes if you just get whatever he wants (if it's over 50 euro he will believe it's a santa toy) if you take him for beakfast, lunch and dinner to MacDonald you'll have the feeding sorted - I have a plan for bedtime (don't be worrying once out of ten it works) so is that a date ?
10 Jul, 2009
Rather you than me Irish.
10 Jul, 2009
lmao my god woman you have sold the idea to me. sounds like he would be no bother .
great when they are 2 yrs old tho , the euro shop is heaven to them
10 Jul, 2009
Put em down at birth I say. Saves so much aggro.
10 Jul, 2009
no no no you couldn't be taking my little prince to the euro shop - Hamleys in dundrum or you are not allowed to mind him
10 Jul, 2009
Toto: Nice to see your home again, has the nice nurse been kind to you :-)
10 Jul, 2009
aw well Angie i wont be able to mind Ben so , im allergic to Hamleys ( big sigh )
10 Jul, 2009
i dont think his happy pills are working this evening Dawn
10 Jul, 2009
hi sean, he`s lovely eileen, they do ware us out though, so full of energy,
10 Jul, 2009
good fun tho sandra, esp when it came time to hand him back lol
10 Jul, 2009
lol, yes like a sence of releaf
10 Jul, 2009
LOoks like Tay is supervising there.
10 Jul, 2009
she is waiting to see if Sean will play with her lol
11 Jul, 2009
Thanks for the welcome Dawn. My happy pills are a bit hit and miss Irish. I've spent many years developing my "grumpy old man" personna and I'm not giving all that hard work up for nothing.
11 Jul, 2009
good for you Toto .
my hero is Victor Meldrew lol
11 Jul, 2009
Mine too. I taught him all he knows.
11 Jul, 2009
well im heading out to work for a few hrs. tryyyyyyyy to be nice to the good folk on GOY Toto ok lol
11 Jul, 2009
I'll do my best.
11 Jul, 2009
He looks cute Irish, just think at 51 I had 9 granchildren lol how would you have coped with that one after another, I can see by Toto s remark there is going to be a new episode of Victor Meldew then, its called the fan dance lol, as I dont recall any of the episodes with a fan dance, as Toto claims he taught him all he knows lol
11 Jul, 2009
RRRrrrrrrrrrrr your little Nephew Eileen hes cute in his Tracky :)
13 Jul, 2009
lol Morgana 9 grandkids.......... one wee nephew is more than enough for me lol.
13 Jul, 2009
thanks Jacque
13 Jul, 2009
He's a cutie Eileen, he seems to have his jobs well in hand. My former Partner was not into children and used to say that they shouldn't be allowed to speak until they are 21!! I think he should join Toto and Victors' Club, don't you LOL. I haven't any Grandchildren and not like to have, so I can't go on a spend in any toy shop.........:o( (Well, apart from the Parrots and Todd shops)
13 Jul, 2009
aw thanks Pam.
yes i think your former partner should join Toto lol.
13 Jul, 2009
Pam and Irish that is jealousy incase the kids get better toys than them as men always get like kids as they get older as the saying goes boys are boys until their men then when they scrump their boys again.
14 Jul, 2009
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Hello Sean welcome to goy.
10 Jul, 2009