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Clematis x jouiniana

Clematis x jouiniana (Clematis x jouiniana)

This shows the size and extent of the bigger amazing is this?

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that looks fab!

21 Jul, 2009


Hmm. The problem with it is that it's flopping onto my Osteospermums!
I don't think they like it...

21 Jul, 2009


Wow ! Just trim it back a bit Spritz !?

21 Jul, 2009


Not while it's flowering, except when it tries to walk across the lawn. Then, either I snip bits off, or 'him indoors' runs it over with the mower! lol.

I shall, after that. Then it gets the hard prune in February - yes, honestly!

21 Jul, 2009


Believe you.Our old Buddleia had the same treatment as was very straggly.! Did it a power of good and has bounced back strong and healthy ! Not sure thats what you want to hear ! Lol

21 Jul, 2009


Well, that's what the advice is, so that's what I do to them (there's another on the stream bank). I DO NOT feed them, though. Can you imagine that? It'd be like Jack and the Beanstalk! lol.

21 Jul, 2009


Oh would be like the "Day of the Triffids " Lol

21 Jul, 2009


LOL. Tendrils reaching out to trip me up as I go past. The mind boggles!

21 Jul, 2009


Lol...can we beg a cutting ? Lol

21 Jul, 2009


Really? LOL. OK - I'll see what I can do...maybe you'd like the whole plant if I dig it up? Mind you, I think I'd better send it by courier...on a wouldn't fit in one of my little boxes. :-(

21 Jul, 2009


If you send it on a pallet Spritz..think it best if wrapped in that wooden sculpture of yours ! That would keep it safe ! Lol

21 Jul, 2009

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This photo is of "Clematis x jouiniana" in Spritzhenry's garden

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