By Spritzhenry

21 Jul, 2009
Just opening.
Comments on this photo
I know it's really a UK native plant, but I do like it! :-)
What a lovely place to take photos...we used to stay near Tenby when the children were young.
21 Jul, 2009
Lovely picture! dont know this plant?
21 Jul, 2009
It's quite tall - and stands out in the garden in clumps - I love it!
21 Jul, 2009
its a lovely plant. i must add some tp my garden.
21 Jul, 2009
Joe Pye is native to Canada too!! ?? Lovely.
22 Jul, 2009
what conditions does it like? sun, shade or is it not bothered.
22 Jul, 2009
I have one clump in sun, and another under the Eucalyptus tree, facing east - so it gets just a little dappled sun. Make what you can of that! lol.
22 Jul, 2009
ooh this is going to be a must then in all the shady areas i have.
22 Jul, 2009
I'll have a go at collecting seeds, if you like??
22 Jul, 2009
oh yes please.
you are an angel.
22 Jul, 2009
Lucky girl SBG. Let me know how easy the seeds are to germinate. We have this plant listed as a marginal pond plant too so I think they really like to be moist.
Oh, found this on the net.....
~ Joe Pye Weed, Eupatorium purpureum ~
"Joe Pye Weed (aka gravel root, kidney root, purple boneset) is the archetype butterfly flower: large, purple-pink mopheads that form a shaggy landing surface and supply abundant nectar, long lasting from July to September. The nectar production is costly for the plant in terms of sugar and water; for this reason it prefers to grow in the sun (the energy for sugar metabolism) and in very moist soil (to keep up the nectar flowing)."
I wonder why it is called purple boneset???
22 Jul, 2009
One clump is up on a raised area under a tree - it isn't very moist and it isn't sunny up there! So it shouldn't be thriving, eh? Well - it is!!
23 Jul, 2009
LOL.....Obviously that one hasn't read this bit I found on the net Spritz. he he he.
24 Jul, 2009
Lucky plants can't read, isn't it! LOL. They do listen, though, apparently...we had a news item where research had been carried out, and plants that were talked to grew better! So HRH Prince Charles was right all along!
I do talk to mine - especially the ones that are misbehaving, or when a new bud opens! :-)
24 Jul, 2009
There is a TV show called "Mythbusters" over here. They did an experiment with plants and music. One group of plants was in a greenhouse and were exposed to classical music. One group was in a greenhouse where heavy metal rock music was played and the remaining group was in a greenhouse where nothing was played. Amazingly they found that the plants in the greenhouse with the heavy metal rock grew bigger than the others. I suppose the conclusion was that we should all be out in our gardens listening to "acid rock" music. Goodness knows what the neighbours would say....LOL
26 Jul, 2009
Sorry, but I would run a mile rather than listen to that! So - they'll just have to put up with me chatting to them!
26 Jul, 2009
lol Spritzheny the Queen herself invited Ozzy Osbourne to play Paranoid,at the palace and Queen, when I play it the birds love it they all start tweeting and flock into my garden, I m sure they are saying the metal head is listening to her music again quick let pinch all the seed at the station now while she s head bangging lol but I will admit I do not like all their music only selected tracks. Lovely picture.
29 Jul, 2009
So would I Spritz, so would I.....I shudder just thinking of it.
Morgana, I bet the Queen had her earplugs in when she had to listen to Ozzy. Besides, she is trained to smile no matter what. LOL
29 Jul, 2009
lol Gilli I bet she did, some I would too, but then a lot of it is for charity so it brings some goodness after all.
29 Jul, 2009
Pictures by spritzhenry
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What else?
This photo is of species Eupatorium ligustrinum.
See who else has plants in genus Eupatorium.
This photo is of "Eupatorium" in Spritzhenry's garden
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Eupatorium Ligustrinum
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i have just been taking photos of this on the pembrokeshire coast path tonight.
21 Jul, 2009