First time deck project
By Helofadigger

1 Apr, 2008
This is the little deck area that sits along the wall in the side garden, it is the first time my beloved had a go at building one and wasn't none too keen to start with but once he got started there really was no stopping him.
Hubby is so proud of this little deck area which is only 5.8ft x 8ft that he is going to build another larger one on the back this year. I will of course be at hand to aid him as he goes along be it with a hot cuppa, cool beer or maybe I just might have to use the whip! ;0)
Comments on this photo
Yes you are so right I think I'll stick with this one after all it takes far too long to train them! ;0)
1 Apr, 2008
Its lovely no wonder Hubby so pleased :)
2 Apr, 2008
Thank you Jacque no need to add it was all done so cheaply!
2 Apr, 2008
Well, Hel! Now I know why you said that, if you were naughty, it would be MY fault for leading you to GOY, Lol! All this talk of whips and decks gives me an idea for your kiddies (both young and old) theme. "Pirates of the Caribbean" !. It would tie in with your forthcoming Jungle Trail. As a starter, you can get Euphorbia "Black Pearl", also a variety of Bidens called "Pirate's Treasure". This would look great "spilling out" of a box planter made to look like a treasure chest. Har Har, me Hearty Hel! Now it's YOUR fault for getting me all going with themes again..........LOL!
6 Apr, 2008
David I'll forgive you sweetie just keep the ideas coming!
I have to confess I have got a little treasure area already right down at the bottom of our back garden where our cat is buried, I'll post a picture if I can find one or it not then I'll wrap up and brave the outdoors and tell you all about it.
Thank goodness David for your sense of humour gardening should be fun and I'm all up for walking the plank as long as you go first! ;o)
6 Apr, 2008
What! And risk you and that whip behind if I didn't jump? "Ladies first", I always say, lol! To continue in a pirate sort of way, how about a wee area with a "Peter Pan" theme (I doubt if I'll ever grow up gracefully, if at all). Now, I know of some plant varieties named "Peter Pan", such as rose, agapanthus, saxifrage; and have seen some "Wendy"s recently, but can't remember what they were. There is a Heuchera called Wendy (get it? "Hook"era? Right, ok then, I'll walk and jump).
6 Apr, 2008
I love this part of your garden Helen, Bob should be proud of his hard work, (clap smiley here) :)))
16 Apr, 2008
Why thank you Dee needless to say an ideal spot for Bob to have his cuppa!
17 Apr, 2008
I was just thinking Helen ( and no it didn't hurt :) Yard art would look great on that wall..
19 Apr, 2008
I think you are right Dee I'ave been eyeing one up ever since I saw your wonderful yard art although Bob's not too keen on the idea and would rather have something growing on the wall instead but it's a good site as that area isn't in full sun until the afternoon so sun fade shouldn't be a problem. Maybe Bob's just scared it will attract unwanted attention as that garden is our side one and can clearly be seen from the road. We will have to see if I get my own
19 Apr, 2008
There fade proof hel, but i see bobs point, could encourage the kids to jump over and nick it, causing damage on the way,Tut..It would look great tho, even framing a climber round it, flippin lovely..Dee..
19 Apr, 2008
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this looks a lovely place for you husband to relax,after his hard days work.........Although it is nice to tell them what to do and watch while its built....LOL
1 Apr, 2008