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Spring flowering Orchid Tree
By Pitta

16 Nov, 2009
Bauhinia blakeana . This Bauhinia has sterile flowers therefore does not produce seed pods like other Bauhinia..Propogation is by cutting or marcoting.It is the national flower of Singapore
Comments on this photo
Its only a small tree yet only planted a few months
16 Nov, 2009
Great selection of shots you have put up today.
16 Nov, 2009
17 Nov, 2009
It is so strange...The Hong Kong Orchids trees
(Bauhinia x blakeana) have just started blooming
here a couple of weeks ago, also.
They're widely grown as street trees here in San
Diego, CA.
17 Nov, 2009
Here we have the pink Buhinia ,it grows wild and has become a pest plant .it produces massive number of seeds.
17 Nov, 2009
Have the same trouble with the pink bauhinia down here too Pitta - it's spread through the bush around here .... does look lovely when in bloom, but it looks out of place amongst the eucalypts.
17 Nov, 2009
The main trouble in most places , the seeds fall of somehow get into drains and watercourses ,get carried along for miles and get caught up on creek banks etc and begin to grow .I agree they look lovely but out of place . Thats the reason I waited years till I got a nursery in Cairns to propogate one for mr by cutting. I only wanted blaleana because the flowers are sterile. there are other Bauhinia with mauve flowers I'm told that gice seed pods but not blakeana.
17 Nov, 2009
Pitta, Bernieh:
You must be speaking of Bauhinia variegata?
That species produces huge amounts of seed
pods like many of the other species, which
looks somewhat unkempt after blooming...
and yes they pop up everywhere even here
where it is very dry.
18 Nov, 2009
Yes you're right Delonix - it's the variegata that pops up in the bushland. I used to have a few on my property but I lost one through termites and the others suffered over the many years of drought and just gave up! I only have the white one now.
18 Nov, 2009
I had a white one the flower was bigger than the pink but it died
18 Nov, 2009
The white varieties and species are widely grown
here. You probably had Bauhinia variegata 'alba'...
however, there's also Bauhinia forficata. Bauhinia
forficata is a summer bloomer here.
18 Nov, 2009
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Beautiful flower. :o)
16 Nov, 2009