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Calodendrum capense - Cape Chestnut Flowering
By Delonix1

25 Apr, 2014
This spectacular flowering tree flowers in San Diego, CA very early, usually late February - June. Typically, in most of the state it blooms later...usually summer. Photo taken April 21, 2014.
Comments on this photo
Thanks! Here's some of my posted Calodendrum capense photos.
3 May, 2014
There is one in Newark (CA) that blooms. So,they can take some chill.
31 Aug, 2014
There's actually several in the SF Bay Area. This tree is really hardy. In Mission San Jose there used to be three big trees, unfortunately, two were cut down several years ago. These trees survived the horrible 1990 freeze without any damage at all.
31 Aug, 2014
Very nice clean looking tree's. I wish,Delonix I could explore the whole "Tropical tree's for the bay area"..but that takes acres of land. The Mexican flowering tree's,the Cassia's,Dombya's ( seen one at Fremont nursery) and Bauhinia's are just a few.
2 Sep, 2014
Yes, I planted a Cassia leptophylla in 1989 and it survived the 1990 freeze with no problem. It's now a pretty large tree and still in the same spot I planted it.
I had a pink Dombeya in Mission San Jose, Fremont. It grew and flowered profusely every winter.
Here's a photo of the same pink flowering Dombeya I had growing in Fremont.
3 Sep, 2014
Photo 1 of 5
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This is a lovely tree which, at first sight, reminded me of an old Lilac tree those these don't grow nearly as big as this tree seems to be. Would it be possible to get a close up shot of one of the flower heads or panicles?
2 May, 2014