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Dryas seed head
By Dottydaisy2

22 Jul, 2010
Comments on this photo
That's as pretty as any flower :)
22 Jul, 2010
Glad you have this too DD as its supposed not to flower outside Scotland?
22 Jul, 2010
I love this Dotty so delicate..........
22 Jul, 2010
Really Drc, not heard that before......thanks Milky, GM and Gee....
22 Jul, 2010
When I posted a pic of my Dryas octopetala or Mountain Avens this spring Moongrower said its the emblem of The Scottish Rock Garden Club and didnt know it grew outside Scotland DD.
22 Jul, 2010
Well we live and learn, will have to see what happens to it next year....
22 Jul, 2010
Makes lovely ground cover DD, mine covers an area about 3ft x 4ft now as I trim it to keep it tight.
23 Jul, 2010
It flowered this morning, have posted a pic, did not realize it grew that big, how long did it take to reach that size?
23 Jul, 2010
I have had it about 7 years. It took about 3 years to take off DD but I do trim it to keep it tight together. It forms a base of twigs underneath which are be quite a thick mat. Mine is in very poor gritty soil between paving and it grows right over them.I never feed or water it, and in the spring its covered in white and yellow flowers.
23 Jul, 2010
Good so I have some time before I have to move the poor wee plant then......
23 Jul, 2010
Yes you have but the more it grows the nicer it gets.
24 Jul, 2010
That is good to know.....
24 Jul, 2010
It always looks very impressive......:-)
28 Jul, 2010
Thanks Louis...
29 Jul, 2010
Photo 2 of 12
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This photo is of "Dryas octopetala." in Dottydaisy2's garden
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Hmmmmm nice.
22 Jul, 2010