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Gingko Biloba
By Karensusan63

9 Jun, 2012
Another sale table rescue....£5 for a tree about 2 feet tall. Has to be a bargain. In a pot for now, we'll see if it grows!
Comments on this photo
Don't these get huge, Karen?
Good for the brain, though!!
10 Jun, 2012
We have one in the front - it is the oldest ever living tree I believe
10 Jun, 2012
Yes, it does get huge Karen.....very slowly!
10 Jun, 2012
It might well have been Paul, but I think...and I'm not sure on thiis, that the Wollemi Pine might have taken over that mantle since it was recently re-discovered. Must check that out....on google! lol
10 Jun, 2012
You are right, Paul. It is even able to change metabolism during long periods of drought, so it is not suffering as other trees, when it doesn´t rain for weeks.
10 Jun, 2012
wow, this is a special tree then Katarina. I shall treasure it!
10 Jun, 2012
Hi Karen, it has more then 160 millions of years. His seeds are delicious and China medicine used them in the treatment of some types of cancer and digestive problems.
10 Jun, 2012
I just checked a book I have about trees and there is written that when atom bomb was dropped on Hiroshima, everything living around epicentre died. The only thing which survived were 4 gingo trees, which survived bombardment and next spring they started to bloom. The closest one, which Japanese named Hosen-li, standed just kilometer from epicentre. All four trees live until now.
10 Jun, 2012
Thank you K. I knew it had medicinal properties, but had no idea what they were. People seem to take it as a supplement here, but I never have myself.....though I seem to be taking every other supplement available to mankind! ;) Perhaps I should just chuck this one in to me pill box(es) along with all the others!
10 Jun, 2012
Western medicine uses Gingo leaves as vasoactive substance. Chinese medicine used seeds. So little difference.
If you want to take Gingko extract - available in Europe - take care. After several weeks it causes some problem to thrombocytes, which have role in coagulation of blood, so if you take also food or other drugs, which can "dilute" blood, it can cause bleeding. So when you will take it, make pause every 6 weeks. Or every two months.
10 Jun, 2012
Lovely advice, thank you! Are you a herbalist Katarina?
10 Jun, 2012
No, I am a medical doctor. Lol. But Uncle called us "herbalists".
10 Jun, 2012
Ah, I see! Well, thank you very much for the (free) advice!! Thankfully I don't need any medication at all, blood thinners or otherwise, except if you count my St John's Wort which is a life saver during the months of winter darkness. All the other stuff I take is vits. etc., especially the vitamin D which I recently heard a doctor say that ALL of us in the northern parts of Europe should be taking as we don't get enough sun! So, hopefully the supplements I take will be good enough to keep me away from the Doctors for as long as possible!! :D
10 Jun, 2012
Majority of my advices were for free. What I cannot say about lawyers, lol.
10 Jun, 2012
LOL! I know exactly what you mean...and my son is training to be one! :D
10 Jun, 2012
St John´s Wort is very popular in the UK, isn´t it? Now I understand why so many medicaments have warnings that you cannot take it simultaneously with this herb.
Achh, medicine is horrible thing, doesn´t it?
Until you need it.
10 Jun, 2012
:D Same with Doctors really!!....only kidding you know! :D
10 Jun, 2012
I know :D Patients all over the world are the same. With the exception of those from Afghanistan.
10 Jun, 2012
Interesting! :)
10 Jun, 2012
in some countries majority of people do not meet a physician for their whole lives, so they are grateful if they meet one at least once upon a life.
10 Jun, 2012
Is it not supposed to help your memory? I've ;)
10 Jun, 2012
it is Karen :) but the same makes Vinca minor and four cups of coffee a day. Filtered Columbia :)
10 Jun, 2012
Lol, Katarina...I can do the coffee, but I'm not having anything to do with the Vinca - not after its last attempt to take over the world! ;)))
10 Jun, 2012
vinca did that?
10 Jun, 2012
All vincas like it here, Katarina...too much...
10 Jun, 2012
lol! I heard the coffee thing the other day...I think I shall start drinking it again...I think I need to! :D
10 Jun, 2012
Get a nespresso machine, Karen...they're brilliant!
12 Jun, 2012
Yes, we have one Karen, but I only drink decaf pods. I think I shall have to go back to the 'real' stuff! Great coffee though...spoils you for any cafes!
12 Jun, 2012
But kinda pricy...a natural barrier to overindulging the caffeine habit...
12 Jun, 2012
Yes, it is. I need two pods ever time as well, so we're talking about 60p a go. Still a lot lot cheaper than a cafe!
12 Jun, 2012
Tomorrow I will post you a picture of two Ginko Trees one in our neighbours garden and the other in ours........prepare to be amazed lol
13 Jun, 2012
oooh, sounds exciting....can't wait! :D
14 Jun, 2012
There I have done it, take your pick lol
14 Jun, 2012
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It will, it is very tough tree.
10 Jun, 2012