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Lilium martagon
By Pcw
- 7 Jul, 2012
Comments on this photo
I think a close up may show a different story.These are always later,taller and bigger flowers than the white ones. They also flowered a year earlier although from the same sowing.
7 Jul, 2012
How long did you have to wait between sowing the seed and getting the plants to flowering size and do scales flower quicker than seeds? Or are the scales the seed? I have one pink one in the garden. It has taken off this year. It had only a couple of flowers last year, this year it has nine so looks much better. It is also at least two weeks behind where it was last year.
15 Jul, 2012
I can't remember how long the first flowers took,but it wasn't as long as some take.Scales should be quicker.
15 Jul, 2012
Thank you Pcw. Ojibway was saying she had planted some scales and I did think they would be quicker than from seed.
15 Jul, 2012
Photo 9 of 42
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Well done Very nice, not a chewed leaf in site,Afraid my soil is a tad on the heavy side for them especially with weather like this,
7 Jul, 2012