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Phlox subulata White
By Drc726
- 16 May, 2013
Comments on this photo
Tell me, please, what is usual care phloxes deserve? I was inspired by some people here, including you, to grow phloxes in the garden, as they create beautiful spots every year. However, I do not know what is optimal care for them. Yours look very healthy. Any recommendations?
17 May, 2013
You have a good selection of Phloxes Drc !
17 May, 2013
Thanks Klahanie and Amy.
I find these subulata ones need no special care mine are grown in the rockery, in full sun Katarina and I just trim them right back when they begin to get straggly (about every 3rd year). what I do find is they take a few years to establish and put on a good show.
17 May, 2013
Photo 72 of 84
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This photo is of "Phlox subulata 'White' " in Drc726's garden
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I like your phloxes Drc
17 May, 2013