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Pulsatilla Vulgaris flowering early...
By Karensusan63
- 21 Mar, 2012
a lovely surprise in the sunshine today!
Comments on this photo
Oh, I do hope not meanie. This one is very early. All of mine are planted right at the very edge of a raised bed (only slightly raised)...enough to keep them dry...and in the sunniest warmest spot in the garden.
21 Mar, 2012
This is indeed very early
21 Mar, 2012
Many things seem to be this year Sheila, and others are not early at all...isn't it funny?
21 Mar, 2012
I agree Karen, very strange
21 Mar, 2012
This is early K....Mine are just little tufts of shoots at the minute....beautiful
21 Mar, 2012
21 Mar, 2012
snap Meanie. i've lost all mine too, back to the drawing board,,, they look lovely Karen :-)
21 Mar, 2012
Thank you! :) I love them
22 Mar, 2012
Considering you are north of us you are away ahead in the garden. Ours are still just budding. I had difficulty growing these until I put them in a pot and they seem to like being raised although it is a shallow pot. I suppose because you are closer to the sea than us the salt air will keep your temperatures marginally higher than ours. I love them.
22 Mar, 2012
You are way ahead of me Karen. I think the last cold snap really slowed things down here.
22 Mar, 2012
It is because they are in a slightly raised bed, in the warmest part of the garden and we have had some lovely sunshine lately which has brought them on nicely!
22 Mar, 2012
I think its because of your mega green fingers Karen! My Pulsatilla are still hunkered down in their sink troughs, wondering whether to bother. Lots of warm sunshine, but more TLC needed I think. Like some water and a bit of fertiliser!
23 Mar, 2012
The soil around mine is very very loose and lots of bark chippings in there too, not just on the surface, so the drainage is extremely sharp.
23 Mar, 2012
i love this karen with its fluffy white bits, very pretty :o))
23 Mar, 2012
Thanks San..sold that painting yet? ;)
23 Mar, 2012
You're definitely way ahead of me with this one Karen as the leaves are only just unfurling on mine.
23 Mar, 2012
I'm scratching my head, literally, as most people's are idea why Rose!
23 Mar, 2012
Lovely way ahead of ours.....
23 Mar, 2012
Perhaps you get a bit milder weather than most of us, Karen.
24 Mar, 2012
Just catching up on your pics, Karen and this is gorgeous ... Mum has a lovely dark pink version in her South facing front garden ... it is in almost bone dry ground now and looks fabulous! ... I have given up trying to grow them as lost a couple over the years ... :o(
6 Apr, 2012
My sink trough pulsatilla has transferred itself to a new position(by seeding) and has 3 purple flowers. Mine seem to want to do their own thing. The really old one in the other trough is slow but its seedlings are in bloom in the middle of some moss. Not that well cared for at all.
7 Apr, 2012
Well Rose, the average min. winter temp here is -1C so that's pretty mild.
I do think these plants like a dry situation, very well drained, and once they are established, you don't need to mess with them at all, just leave them well alone. I haven't lost any since I planted mine here, but in some places they just won't grow, and mine are in the warmest, dryest spot of the garden which certainly helps. They are all full out in flower now...all the colours, but not any pale pink ones. Maybe I will find one like that some day!
7 Apr, 2012
Photo 75 of 138
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This photo is of "Pasqueflower " in Karensusan63's garden
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I've clearly lost mine.
Very nice Karen!
21 Mar, 2012