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You can visit our Solanum crispum page or browse the pictures using the next and previous links. If you've been inspired take a look at the Solanum plants in our garden centre.

Top of the sunshine!

Top of the sunshine! (Solanum crispum (Chilean potato tree)'Glasnevin')

My Solanum crispum 'Glasnevin' is in full bloom, with Euphorbia cyparissias underneath it.

Comments on this photo


Wow! your not as hard on the pruning as me, The trouble with mine if I let it go too high it goes into the neighbours garden. Beautiful

12 May, 2009


I like it against the high stone wall - and I'd need a ladder to get to the top!....So, no, I am not hard on it. :-)

12 May, 2009


beautiful spritz

12 May, 2009


Fabulous. I can prune mine with no difficulty as it is only about 18 inches high at the moment.

12 May, 2009


lol toto, is that with a ladder he he

12 May, 2009


LOL. Can I borrow you, please?

12 May, 2009


It looks wonderful Spritz

13 May, 2009


beautiful . when is your open day B

13 May, 2009


I don't think yours needs any pruning at the moment, it looks wonderful as it is.

13 May, 2009


3 weeks' time, Eileen! Not long now...

13 May, 2009


hope one day i get the chance to see your garden B, only get down south when i go visit my brother, he`s in berkshire,, so im guessing thats not close,, not good on maps lol

13 May, 2009


Errr - no. We are SW England! If you were going to Devon, you could stop off here - you'd be very welcome!

13 May, 2009


thanx B, devon is lovely i have been once years ago,

13 May, 2009


Sanbaz - don't forget my garden is in Berkshire and I'm also open under the Yellow Book scheme. Open day is Sunday 9th August but I also open by appointment

13 May, 2009


thankyou andrewr,, will keep a note of that :o))

13 May, 2009


the garden will be wonderful for your open day. lots of photos and when you have recovered a blog perhaps?

17 May, 2009


Of course, Sbg. Your wish is my command! ;-)

17 May, 2009


Absolutely a gem, would love to see it.

18 May, 2009


Get on a plane, Doon! ;-)
- sorry you are so far away...I wish you could see it as well. :-(

18 May, 2009


Don't tempt me!!!!!!!!!!!LOL

18 May, 2009



19 May, 2009

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This photo is of "Solanum crispum 'Glasnevin'" in Spritzhenry's garden

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