By Gerberavicki
United Kingdom
revamp 'questions' into a proper forum style?
would it be possible? it would be much easier to read them if they were sorted into categories!
11 Sep, 2012
I agree with Nariz it would become far to specialised and cliquey if there were threads for different genera and it would take far longer to find new questions. If you want info on a specific plant or topic use the buttons at the bottom of the page.
12 Sep, 2012
ooh not for me. i'd been on another plant forum that was like this and it was a nightmare to navigate. so i have stayed here. as mg says the buttons at the bottom direct you to the plants.
12 Sep, 2012
I'd rather the question side wasn't changed. I visit a site where all the subjects are categorised. In my view it doesn't work too well. Some twits get the categories wrong. ie, ignore plant identification sections and put id queries under problems and so on. I like this site for it's content, and it would be perfect if folk didn't put the heading of their question as Hi, me again, or I'm back with another question etc. But only as an aid to quick reference for myself.
12 Sep, 2012
I agree with the others. I like the varied questions very much, some I try to answer but most I just read and learn. I find I come across something on here that I would not read if I had to select a category.
Questions are often seasonal but there are only so many times we can describe how to get rid of slug or Mares tail! or even pruning a rambling rose without repeating ourselves! So I do wish we had a 'most asked questions' section where you could ask the question and if its been asked a lot of times say 3 plus you are then directed to a page of all the entries and can see the answers at once.
12 Sep, 2012
Japon would be in trouble as I don't think there would be a category for his latest question...
12 Sep, 2012
I feel too that this question section should be left as it is arranged currently. Sometimes a real discussion gets underway. This can turn into an interesting debate. Over the years since I joined in 2009, there have been several of these, often sparked off by a simple question, very difficult to categorise by subject. Obviously there are questions that get asked over and over. The alphabet at the bottom of the screen is very handy too.
12 Sep, 2012
Don't change a thing!!. I also have learned so much, and realised its not just me who has problems
The fascinating thing is the way Goy is global and we talk to folk all over the world, many have similar gardening problems to us some very different..........."if it isn't broken don't try to mend it"......
12 Sep, 2012
Its not broken so doesn`t need fixing, I agree with the other members, I `ve learnt a lot on here just by browsing these pages without even having to ask the question myself, it also brings the members who don`t visit the blogs very often together as well, we know where to find them if we want an answer, losing them in little boxes would spoil the site completely, as has been said there is the A-Z at the bottom of the pages..
12 Sep, 2012
lol..snap Pam..
12 Sep, 2012
Great minds think alike Lincs...... :0)
12 Sep, 2012
Leave well alone. I like reading the questions, even though the answers sometimes annoy me.
12 Sep, 2012
Must agree I prefer this layout for questions and it would be quite hard to categorise some of the things which appear here. I've given up on some other forum sites particularly because it's too hard to navigate through all the different categories, and I've had trouble finding certain types of plant at all on some such sites.
I do find browsing the questions here very useful in learning from others and I doubt I would have read many of them had they been categorised.
12 Sep, 2012
Drc's idea of a Frequently Asked Questions section is worth considering though, as some questions appear over and over.
12 Sep, 2012
That is true Stera....
12 Sep, 2012
Yes I could agree with that too - but how to create?
12 Sep, 2012
Companies sites have frequently asked questions sections and I am sure it could be done. But I dont see it happening somehow!
12 Sep, 2012
The management could help here by creating a facility for " keywords" like you have in search engines.
This means everything could be left as it is!
Then if someone wanted to know about something specific they would enter this " keyword" in the search box and every thread that had contained that word would be raised!
There is lots of freeware and software around to deal with this sort of issuue and it is quite easy to install and subsequently use!
Or as some would put is a no brainer.....and at my age that can only be a good thing :o))
12 Sep, 2012
I was curious about that Teegee and put 'begonias' into the search box the page was full with the word highlited so maybe we have that facility without knowing it.......
13 Sep, 2012
Yes we sort of have that Pam, I use it when editing or trying to find a previously answered problem such as 'How to get rid of mares tail' but you have to trawl through all the results it brings up ( which is not just the question) and of course questioners do not bother to do this before posting their question.
So I would like to see questions like 'How to get rid of mares tail' directed to the old answers first, with a 'did we answer your question?' option and then put on the question page if their answer is 'No' or 'Only Partly'.
13 Sep, 2012
It would be good Drc but do you think that they will?
13 Sep, 2012
oh dear , I will run and hide..........!!!
13 Sep, 2012
No I dont Pam
13 Sep, 2012
I think we like Goy as it is Vicki,. :0)
13 Sep, 2012
I think you are right Pam!
I think it is a good subject for a question Gerberavicki, so dont hide lol, as you have brought quite a few members together to discuss just what it is we do like on here in a positive way.
13 Sep, 2012
I often use the search but admit it very often sends one off on a route march, which is ok if one is in a good mood and actually finds the answer but annoying at other times, lol.
Drc if only we did have the answer as to how to get rid of that ghastly stuff, my neighbour is allowing it free reign and its causing me a lot of headaches..
Vicki, no need to do that, you asked the question and we answered in a very positive way, its good...
13 Sep, 2012
Hey thats freaky , thats twice I`ve said more or lessthe same as someone else!!!!!!!!!
13 Sep, 2012
You too Lincslass! I have it and spent years pulling it up, that does it weaken and after 15 years its all but gone.
13 Sep, 2012
Your 'tuned in Lincs'. Spooky. :0)
do you find that you think to yourself., I must ring so&so.....and the phone rings and its them!. Now thats spooky too......
13 Sep, 2012
I too agree that the question page should stay as it so many I've picked up lots of tips and advice I didn't know I needed (YET!) I've tried the search box - it throws up too much information at times.
A little informative page telling visitors/new members why it's best to state where you live, reasons why pictures would be a good idea and the likes would be a good addition I think. I also agree with an FAQ page, which probably could include what I've just said!! :)
13 Sep, 2012
Yes Pam especially with my daughter, lol.
Drc I have it in the back but only in the bed near the pond, I can only pull it from there as I daren`t use anything near the fishpond, however its coming up in the front which luckily is mainly only pavers as its used for the cars but no matter what I use I just haven`t found anything that will kill the darn stuff off, its costing me a fortune trying different things, nothing seems to work for long, of course its gone mad this year because of all the rain...
13 Sep, 2012
Previous question
But then I wouldn't have learned so much stuff by going through ALL the questions every day if they were selective. Half the fun is reading all the questions and learning the answers. Sometime, somewhere, I need an answer to a small dilemma, trawl through the little boxes in my brain, remember reading it on here and think "Oh! THAT'S what I do with it!"
12 Sep, 2012